If you follow a three-day diet and now you complain because you do not look at the results, we warn you that you are being too anxious. A person not thins a day for the other by magic. A balanced diet is not a formula that instant assures you lose weight instantly.

Otherwise, you have to take a proper diet and incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to your habits. The constancy and patience are key to the process of thinning.

In today article we present some tips to lose weight. Remember to be consistent and patient. When you least expect it, you have lost those extra pounds that bother you so much.

• Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Fruits and vegetables are very healthy foods, because they are rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. If you eat several servings a day you will feel much more satisfied, in addition to you provide very few calories.

• Controls the size of the portions. If you eat in small quantities, and you take the time to do so, you will feel full without the need to eat too much. Do not eat to explode!

• Do not skip meals. If you skipped breakfast, for example, you get to the lunch with a voracious hunger and you eat everything you find at your fingertips. You have to eat healthy snacks between meals, for example some fruit and yogurt or a handful of dried fruit, to balance the calories you eat during the day and maintain balanced the levels of blood sugar.

• Do not be strict. A diet will never work if you forbid what you love. A piece of chocolate or a small piece of pie once in a while will not hurt you.

• Drink plenty of water. Not only hydrate your body, but that you will feel much more filled to the lunchtime. Avoids the soft drinks and sugar in the coffee or tea, other drink we recommend you to lose weight is the green tea.

Exercise. If complement your diet with half an hour of exercise every day, you can lose weight much faster than you can imagine. The physical activity shapes your body and helps you to eliminate the calories unwanted.

• Make a food diary. For your diet is well controlled and you will always have the nutrients your body needs, make a food diary with the help of a nutritionist. A professional will tell you the best tips for lose weight fast without neglecting your health.

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