As you may know, I am big believer in The Love Diet.

This means that I do my very best to consume positive, Loving food and media. I focus on having joyful and peaceful experiences with kind and Loving people. And I stay aware of what I’m thinking, saying and doing in order to strive for my most fulfilling and Loving life.

And this is because I believe that we have an amazing power to create both our individual and collective future with these daily decisions.

When we put our attention on what we want (i.e. – Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance), we bring more energy to those ideas and happenings.

We open ourselves to inspiration about solutions to problems that may have previously seemed impossible to solve.

And we take control of our lives by deciding that we are responsible for the results we get.

Love Out Loud
Sometimes, of course, news from afar reaches me, despite my purposely limited consumption of mass media input. And it is often hard news to digest.

Still, I look for the Love. Because there is always Love to be found . . .

You just need to look for it.

You need to remember that, in fact, there are so many acts of Love going on, right at this very moment. But they don’t tend to get the same kind of press coverage that one horrible event produces.

And it’s truly encouraging to witness an immediate outpouring of Love in response to such disturbing events. There is a rising call for Love to overcome fear . . .

Because we know that only Love will move us forward towards our desired existence.

So I want to challenge you to think about how you can help make Love’s voice louder.

Vote For Love

How can you vote for Love?

Add beauty. Share joy. Offer encouragement.

Give extra hugs. Smile more. Laugh often.

Consider committing to the Love Diet for a week or a month. Take time to speak up about the positive things you are doing or seeing in the world around you.

Believe in your own ability to have a positive impact by sharing your unique gifts with the world.

Enjoy each moment more fully, with gratitude for the miracle that is your life.

Put energy into what you want more of. Use your words, time, and money to support Love, alive and well in the world.

One easy way to start is by sharing this Love Post! The more we connect with each other and proclaim that we value Love, the stronger our effect will be on society as a whole!

Thank you for reading and letting others know that we each have an opportunity to change the world . . . We choose to Love out loud!

Author's Bio: 

Meet Mary Anne . . . She’s always Loved Love.
She’s a practicing student of Love and has taught the subject in her books and blog, The Love Post, over the past several years.
Now that she’s a wife and mother of two beautiful little ladies, she’s more determined than ever to teach others how to use Love to transform their lives and have a positive impact in the world we all share.
Mary Anne offers her knowledge and wisdom in a practical, easy to understand way so that you can start improving your life immediately with Love as your guide.
You can read more of Mary Anne's work at