As we grow as souls we have different learning lessons that come our way, and many paths to the summit of consciousness.

We are all moving up the mountain of divine consciousness, some are taking the long way on switchbacks moving from side to side slowly climbing the mountain of supreme consciousness. It takes a long time to move up the mountain this way, and it may even take eons and the passage of many lifetimes. But eventually, a steadfast devotee of truth, love, and peace will make his way to the top and attain his goal.

Others take the direct route because some are born as olds souls, and know exactly what they need to do to make their way up the mountain in the shortest amount of time. This group learns lessons presented by others— and thus don’t go through lots of pain and suffering. They can see where others have been and learn from their mistakes and successes and thus do not have to suffer themselves. Thus in a very short time they make it up the mountain and attain supreme consciousness.

Then there are those who decide to move up the mountain and get off the path and get lost along the way. Mired in emotions and the 5 senses they forget their most important task in life— which is to attain supreme consciousness. So they stop their development and stay put in one spot and don’t leave that place for many life times yet to come. But sooner or later there will be a powerful event that takes place that jumpstarts their development and pushes them in the direction of supreme consciousness. This may take millions of lifetimes, but eventually, they too make it to the summit.

All paths lead to the same place and all paths eventually make it to the top of the summit. One is not better than another or less important than another, all paths are the same just different ways of making their way to that ultimate goal.

Thus it’s important not to judge someone else’s path. For they are learning and growing in order to attain supreme consciousness in their own time.

Thus it’s important to concentrate only on our own path and allow others to do the same.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider

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Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 30 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at feel free to contact him anytime.

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