Marketing Miracles happen in a number of ways:
1. Finding out who you are and what you have to offer.
2. Identifying where the integrity lives within who you are and what you have to offer.
3. Bringing coherence between who you are, what you have to offer and what your clients truly want from you.
4. And, clearing the way between advertising and mesmerizing with love.

Step 2: - Stability - Identifying where the integrity lives within who you are and what you have to offer.

Identifying where the integrity lives within who you are and what you have to offer begins with doing an internal investigation, and a historical investigation, of who you are in relation to what you have to offer. How often do you keep your word to yourself and others? How do you value your promises? Do you respect yourself? Do you treat your body well or does it receive your punishment for dreams unfulfilled? Do you offer yourself the blessings that you believe should be bestowed upon others when you offer your gifts and services? If you don’t offer blessings to yourself, then that is a disconnect, and it will be difficult for people to believe at the spiritual and intuitive levels, that you are offering your work to them from a place of integrity. They will experience the parts that are missing rather than the whole of who you truly are.

It is worthwhile to find your integrity within yourself. It is the greatest gift you will ever have for yourself because it represents the inner-being that you brought into this life. It is the synergistic combination of your purpose, your compassion, and the fulfillment of your humanity.

Your work is meant to be your purpose and it does not have to be ‘grand’ in the sense of being culturally popular. It is meant to be grand in the way in which that work is fulfilled. You may have heard, “If you are to be plumber, be the best plumber, if you are to be a President, be the best President.” What makes them equal in value and purpose is the ‘how’ of their fulfillment, the positive intent and the grace of communication and interaction.

That is where your integrity lies, in your compassion for yourself and others, in your joy of the fulfillment of your work as it relates to the needs of others, and your willingness to accept what you deserve in relation to your work. It’s not what you ‘get back’, it is what you allow yourself to receive.

My best suggestion for identifying where your integrity lives within you and what you have to offer – it starts with the words, 'I don’t know how…'.

Using the awesome, The One Command, in all its depth, grace, simplicity and success, you change your life – as you ground, align and go to theta. Just say...

I don’t know how I have a deep understanding and connection with my inner-integrity, I only know I do Now, and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how my integrity is the basis of my work, I only know it is Now, and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I allow myself to demonstrate my integrity and grace always, I only know I do Now, and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I live in compassion for myself and others always, I only know I do Now, and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I identify easily with my deepest self always, I only know I do Now, and I am fulfilled.

Step 3: – Clear Thinking – Watch for - How to bring coherence between who you are, what you have to offer, and what your clients truly want from you.

Blessings, Katie Garnett, PhD

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Katie Garnett a Certified Leader of The One Command Seminars, Personal Achievement Coach, International consultant, and Founder of Behavioral DNA Patterns and Seeds of Success, and co-Founder of Programs for Awakening, and published author. You can contact her at or visit

Her work as an educational and counseling psychologist, Transformational Coach, and international corporate consultant, includes significant work in Europe, Asia and the United States, including the Pacific Rim. Working with Fortune 500 companies, universities, entrepreneurs, and individual clients, Katie focuses both on business growth and on the personal success of her clients.

Dr. Garnett’s study of the phenomenon of quantum physics, paired with her research in the psychology of human behavior, social change and the significance of The One Command in relation to human potentiality, brings her clients the capacity to re-program their lives as they choose .