Inspirational words of love may be just the marriage help you need.

It’s amazing how powerful a few lovely words can be for transforming the mood of your relationship.

If you and your mate have been feeling a bit challenged by one another, try using inspirational words of love instead of complaining, for marriage help. Here are some examples:

1.“If you love somebody, let them go.”

For marriage help, speak these inspirational words of love by Kahlil Gibran to yourself when you feel frustrated by your mate’s behavior. They advise you to do the opposite of what you may feel like doing, when you feel like correcting your mate’s behavior. But letting others be sets you free from the burden of the futile struggle to change or control them.

2.“Love is patient, love is kind…”

Here again are inspirational words of love, originally spoken by St. Paul, to speak to yourself for marriage help. Let them remind you that when you are expressing impatience or unkindness you are NOT being loving, which means that you are closing off your own heart to love – and that is the beginning of the loveless experience you want to avoid.

3.“Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.”

These inspirational words of love by Antoine de Saint-Exupery point to profound wisdom known by highly successful individuals. Try using for marriage help the next time that you and your mate argue. When the two of you commit to a positive outcome, the power of your harmonious, joint focus can bring amazing success.

4.“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”

Try these inspirational words of love by Aristotle when you want to soften your mate’s heart. Be sure that the look in your eye speaks as sweetly as the words. Particularly when you feel like lashing out, speaking these words with feeling can deliver the marriage help you need.

5.“The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved…”

These inspirational words of love by Victor Hugo are again great words to speak to yourself as a reminder for what we can call happy marriage help. By relating to your mate in an adoring way, particularly when you are both feeling not so happily married, you help your mate to feel happier with you and that will help you to feel happier, because the way we feel radiates and influences others to feel similarly.

6.“Where there is great love, there are always great miracles.”

Try using these inspirational words of love for marriage help, by an anonymous author, when you and your mate feel challenged by serious difficulties of any kind. Let them remind you both that by relating with one another in the most loving way possible, just about anything that you want or need is possible.

7.“The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.”

You may need to read these inspirational words of love by Krishnamurti, because the quote is not very brief. But it does offer powerful marriage help, if you can say them to yourself when your life seems stuck in a disappointing place, or to your mate, in a caring way, when you mate feels frustrated by circumstances.

8.“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected.”

These inspirational words of love, quoted from Mahatma Gandhi, are worth saying to yourself and to your mate for great marriage help when you feel tempted to slip into a harsh use of words to make a point.

Author's Bio: 

* Author, Seminar Leader, Motivational Speaker, Consultant ( (
* Host of the WSB Radio Show Bob Lancer's Answers, focusing on the challenges of parenting, marriage and personal / professional development.
* Motivational Speaker for Large and midsized companies, associations, government agencies, schools, hospitals, youth groups and other organizations
* Child Behavior Expert of WXIA TV News (Atlanta's NBC TV affiliate)
* Host of Atlanta's Radio Disney show Ask Bob (helping kids deal with their issues)
* Featured Parenting Expert in local and national media
As a public speaker, seminar leader and consultant for over 25 years, Bob Lancer has been inspiring audiences around the nation and overseas, and setting them on a more direct and fulfilling path to total life-success, with his empowering insights and strategies.