Just as it is important for women to regularly check their breasts for possible cysts or breast cancer, it is important for men to check whether the prostate is in good health. Most men over 45 years of age will have problems with their prostate sooner or later. Urination could become more difficult and painful with prostate problems. Many men only become aware of their prostate when complaints start to occur. Because the prostate is involved in orgasm, sex can also become an obstacle. This often happens: 70 percent of men ever have prostate problems.

What is Prostate?

The prostate is a gland the size of a walnut that only occurs in men. The prostate is just below the bladder. The urethra runs straight through the prostate. The prostate produces a fluid that ensures that sperm cells can swim and that the quality of the sperm cells remains good. In addition, the prostate plays a role in the male's orgasm. So it is not surprising that hormones affect the prostate in men.

It is clear from all of the above that it is very important to keep your prostate in good condition from an early age. In this way you can postpone the shedding of the prostate, with all its problems, for as long as possible or make it as minimal as possible. To learn more about the prostate problems and symptoms, we have covered some common issues to alert you about the condition.

Common Prostate Symptoms

  • Cannot start urinating well
  • Urinate more often
  • Passing less urine at a time
  • Cloudy urine
  • The urine stream is less powerful and can sometimes be interrupted
  • Dripping and unwanted leakage of urine
  • Urinating at night
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Feeling that the bladder is not empty

What to Eat?

Obviously, there are medicines and support supplements that can be prescribed by the doctor for bladder and prostate problems, but people can also use natural remedies. Below we have added some foods you can eat to keep your prostate healthy.

Fish on your plate

By eating fatty fish regularly, you get a lot of good fats, especially Omega-3 fatty acids. The Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the health of your prostate, but for many more things related to your health. On the other hand, it turned out that people who often eat red meat are slightly more likely to get prostate cancer.

Add Zinc in your Diet

Zinc is a mineral that is good for your body. But a recent study has shown that too much zinc has a negative effect on the health of your prostate. In particular, due to the dietary supplements, an overdose of zinc sometimes occurs. More than 100 milligrams a day is already unhealthy. Incidentally, with a varied and healthy diet, a zinc supplement is not necessary at all.


Selenium is a substance that is very rare in Europe, so it no longer occurs in the food grown on European territory. To avoid a shortage, you can think of oily fish, eggs, brown rice and nuts. Selenium provides protection against prostate cancer, which has been shown in several independent scientific studies.

Broccoli on your plate regularly

Broccoli is a vegetable that is extremely rich in incredibly strong antioxidants. But the broccoli also contains a substance called Sulforaphane. This substance protects against prostate cancer and can even shrink an existing tumor.

Eat Fruits

Take fruits as much as you can. The antioxidants in the fruit give you a stronger immune system, which of course also has benefits for the prostate.


The same also applies to cranberry powder. Taking 1500 milligrams of cranberry powder daily will help you urinate better and more vigorously.

Regular Exercise

This tip is the same: a buyer but very important. A recent study found that men who exercise regularly are about 30% less likely to have prostate problems. These same men also had fewer problems getting and keeping an erection. You can do exercises for this, such as tightening ('defecating') and relaxing the anus again.

Grass pollen

If you like natural solutions, you can take grass pollen extract. A study found that grass pollen caused nighttime urination to improve and prostate size to decrease.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones