You may be surprised to learn that more than 20 percent of Americans develop some form of skin cancer over the course of their lifetime. The two most common types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), are especially prevalent among many cancer cases. If you have underwent surgery to remove cancerous lesions, you may be exploring options for reconstructive surgery. Thankfully, Dr. Jejurikar offers Mohs Reconstruction surgery at his Dallas practice.

The Origins of Mohs Surgery

In the late 1930s, Frederic E. Mohs, developed a technique called chemosurgery. More than 20 years later, in the 1960s, Perry Robins, worked with Dr. Mohs to study the procedure and recognized the potential benefits that it could have in the field of dermatology.

Soon after, Dr. Robins established the first fellowship training program at NYU to teach dermatologists how to perform the procedure. As such, chemosurgery and the advancements made since its inception eventually developed into the procedure that we now know as Mohs surgery.

Finding the Right Specialist

When consulting with a surgeon about removing a cancerous lesion from your skin, you may be referred to a specialist to perform the “clean up” phase of the operation to help minimize the impact of potential scarring.

Dr. Jejurikar specializes in the reconstruction process involved in Mohs surgery and will select from a range of techniques best suited for your situation to restore the affected area(s):

● tissues expansion (not commonly used)
● flap techniques (the most common technique in post-skin cancer facial reconstruction)
● skin grafts (used infrequently for facial reconstruction)
● cartilage grafting (often the ear is the most common donor site, though rib cartilage is also a viable option)
● bone grafting (bone is taken from the skull and reshaped to be placed into the location of the excision)

What Are the primary advantages of Mohs Surgery?

Mohs surgery is a highly efficient and cost-effective treatment that provides several advantages, including convenient onsite lab work, single-visit outpatient surgery, and local anesthesia.

Mohs surgery has garnered an outstanding reputation for its highly precise results. Physicians are trained to examine 100 percent of tumor margins, resulting in high detection rates. The surgery is also designed to target and cut out only cancerous tissue while leaving the surrounding healthy tissue untouched, thus reducing scarring.

In addition, Mohs surgery has the highest cure rate for treating skin cancer, with a 99 percent cure rate for skin cancers that have never received treatment and up to a 94 percent cure rate for skin cancers that have recurred from previous treatments.

How Is Mohs Surgery Performed?

Mohs surgery is performed in stages – all in a single visit – while the patient waits between each stage. Initially, a layer of tissue is removed and examined under a microscope by a surgeon in an on-site lab.

If any cancer cells are discovered, the surgeon will have a precise location of where they will need to remove additional layers of tissue. This process will be repeated until cancer cells are no longer detected.

Let’s take a deep dive into each of these stages:

Stage One: Examination and Preparation

It should be noted that the attire that you will be required to wear during the procedure will depend entirely on where the cancer cells are located. Some patients will be fine wearing their street clothes, whereas others may be required to wear a hospital gown.

During examination, your surgeon will check the area where you received your biopsy and may use a pen to mark points of reference.

You will then be placed in the best position for easiest access (i.e. sitting vs. lying down). A surgical drape will be placed over the excision site, followed by a shot of local anesthesia to numb the area. You will be awake for the entirety of the procedure.

Stage Two: Removing the Top Layer

When the area has been numbed, your surgeon will remove a thin layer of visible cancerous tissue, which will be taken away for lab analysis. This step is important because merely cutting away visible areas of cancerous tissue may not be enough to completely remove the cancer from your body.

Some cancerous tissues have roots or extensions that dig underneath the skin that can’t be seen from the surface. The lab analysis phase will determine whether you will require more extensive surgery.

After the top layer has been removed, the excision area will be temporarily bandaged, and you will be allowed to relax as you await results from the lab.

Stage Three: Lab Analysis

During the lab analysis, your surgeon will dissect your tissue into sections, color code them with dyes, and draft up a map of the surgical site. Next, a technician will freeze the divided tissue before cutting it into thin horizontal slices. These slices are placed on a series of microscope slides before being stained and covered.

Stage Four: Microscopic Examinatio

During this phase, your surgeon will use a microscope to examine the underside and edges of the sample tissue in search of cancer cells. If any are discovered, they will be marked on the map. Your surgeon will let you know if you need additional tissue removed.

Stage Five: Second Layer Removal

You’ll only proceed to this stage if cancer cells are discovered in the first layer of tissue that’s removed. When you’re back in the operating room and prepped for surgery, you will be injected with more local anesthesia (if needed), and another layer of skin will be removed in the precise area where the cancer cells were detected. You will repeat this process as many times as needed until cancer cells are no longer detected.

Stage Six: Wound Repair

After the surgery has been completed to the satisfaction of your surgeon, the wound will either be left open to heal on its own, or the surgeon will close it with stitches. This choice will depend on the size of the wound and its location.

If the wound is in an especially vulnerable area, it may need to undergo reconstruction with a skin flap, which involves covering the wound with neighboring tissue. In some instances, your surgeon, if not a cosmetic surgeon, may coordinate wound repair with another specialist, like Dr. Jejurikar. To save time and money, it’s best to find a surgeon who can perform all aspects of the surgery without having to outsource the work.

Stage Seven: Wrapping Up

Your surgeon should give you instructions on proper scar care and follow-up to achieve the best possible outcome from your surgery. Proper follow-up can often determine whether you’ll be left with significant scarring, so it’s in your best interest to listen carefully to the instructions of your surgeon.

Mohs Reconstruction Surgery in Dallas

Dr. Sameer Jejurikar is one of the most recognized board-certified cosmetic surgeons in Dallas. He offers a range of cosmetic surgeries, specializing in Mohs Reconstruction surgery, as well as breast and body contouring surgery.

Due to his extensive work with butt lift and buttock implant surgeries, such as the Brazilian Butt Lift, Dr. Jejurikar has been highly recognized for his expertise by his colleagues.

Dr. Jejurikar has undergone extensive training at the Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, knowledge he puts to use every day in his Dallas practice. He also graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School as one of its top students. During his time there, he was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society.

Dr. Jejurikar belongs to a host of organizations, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and the Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Selecting the Right Surgeon for Mohs Reconstruction Surgery

Mohs Reconstruction surgery is considered to be the most effective treatment for many squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), including those in unsightly areas such as the lips, scalp, nose, and ears.

If you require the services of a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, reach out to Dr. Jejurikar in Dallas for a free consultation today.

Author's Bio: 

Alex is a professional writer and digital marketing expert.