Mothers are such a touchy subject. I know from having one, from being one, and observing all the dances play out with us as a race and our mothers. I want to give some tips that have brought wisdom into my life with my mother and as a mother.

1. We have all been born of a woman, our mother. Honor her. You have no idea of what it is to be a mother unless you have carried a child on a purely physical level, not to mention the emotional and spiritual levels. We grow our children in the area of our body associated with our subconscious and it activates all our fears as mothers, about ourselves, and how "good" we will be as a mother. Be greatful to your mother for this because you can. It costs you nothing. I know many of you know that my daughter, Pritham, has had huge health challenges, but that is not the only challenges we have. I am not speaking from a void of having the perfect mother experience. I wanted to share with you what I have learned that has rung true.

2. Don't lose another moment with your mother by being resentful, angry, upset, crazed, or any other emotion which keep you separate from your mother. WARNING: This does not mean there are not times where you have to move away from the relationship to regain your perspective, your connection to self. I am not saying all mother/child relationships are good nor healthy. But I want you to choose healthy. Forgiveness is always healthy.

3. If you are a mother, love, love, love your children no matter what. Liking them is another story but love is the great healer. Apply it lavishly when you are correcting, explaining, being upset, rejoicing. Love, love! It will heal you and them.

4. Carrying around the burden of what "should have been" will kill you from the inside out. Make an offering of it by writing it down and then burning it while chanting; bury it today on Mother's Day. Do this. Buy a plant and put it over the burnt ashes; let something beautiful grow from that release. When you see it, it will remind you that from seeming disaster can come beauty. Pick a plant you love.

5. Remember that "Ma" is that chant of rebirth. Sa Ta Na is the cycle of life, death; again and again. Rebirth, MA, is what liberates us. Ma gives us that "one more and one more and one more chance." Use the Ma chant to take you into a rebirth of forgiveness and love. Do it fast, do it slowly and long. The fast will break things up and give you renewed energy and the long one will stretch time and space. Use them both. I have both of these in The Moon She Rocks You books and program. Gifts await you. This simple chant is priceless.

6. You have the capacity to choose a new mother. You can at any time choose a teacher who will love you from the inside out and help you heal and experience love. Love is the essential nature of a mother. To feel loved, find those who are great lovers and be with them as much as you can so you can become that lover - so you can splash your gifts on others.

7. Mother Earth is such a great and fierce teacher. She is kind, she is fierce, she is forgiving and totally unforgiving when the tipping point is reached. Listen to her. She will show you how to both be a mother and love the one you chose to learn from. Learning is not always an easy path. Be Greatful for your path and you will get the lessons. If you hold onto resentments, the lessons pass you by.

Mothers give us life. They give us the chance to excel even if they didn't support you in your excellence. Know they did what they could. In this moment, whether your mother is gone from this plane of existence or still here, bless her. Use your forgiveness of her to excel, to forgive, to love. That is the true essence of the mother, to love and cherish.

I both love and cherish each of you. Wahe Guru.

Author's Bio: 

Gurutej Khalsa is known as the Energy Guru. She lives and breathes the meaning of her Sikh name, “the one who brings you from darkness into light at the speed of light.” She has taught people for over 40 years to connect to their essence through healing, meditation, yoga, and chanting. Check out her sites for in-the-moment support: