Last week was beginning to answer questions about Step Two - “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”. This week I am addressing whether I sense spiritual guidance in my life.

Then – 4/24/2004

“Journal question – Do I sense spiritual guidance in my life? How?

I do feel like someone is watching over me. I have definitely been blessed in my life. There are so many things that, if they had been different, I would not be the person I am today. I’ve learned to believe that it isn’t coincidence that we either meet certain people or have certain people in our lives. Every encounter offers us a lesson to learn, whether we want to or not. I think it is true spiritual enlightenment to be able to see what lesson we are supposed to be learning in a given situation. But I have a sense that someone is guiding me. Ever since Momma (grandmother) died I always believe that she is my guide; my guardian angel. Every time something good comes my way I think to myself ‘Momma had something to do with it’. I guess believing that makes it more personal.”

Now - 10/23/11

I have often said that I found God in Al-Anon. What I mean is that I found the true meaning of spirituality, connection and higher purpose in the meetings, people, readings and teachings of Al-Anon. I had been on a spiritual quest for most of my life but it took alcoholism to bring me to my answers.

The sense of spiritual guidance has been one of the greatest gifts of the program; I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, even more so than I did 7 years ago when I wrote that journal answer, that I have an incredibly strong connection with my Higher Power. What my divorce recovery journey has shown me is that I was meant to learn many lessons in my marriage and in my divorce. My ex-husband has been one of my greatest teachers. The main lesson that I believe I was meant to learn before, during and after my marriage is that I can have faith in myself to be able to handle anything that happens. Ironically the greatest gift my ex-husband gave me was the reason to go to Al-Anon and become the spiritual person I’ve always longed to be

Author's Bio: 

Dawn Sinnott
Divorce As A Catalyst