
But for 90% of us that is semi-right. Abs are often covered by a layer of fat and there is no way you will see good results just by training your abdominal muscle. Belly-fat can be hard to get rid of but it is the only way for your abdominal muscles to "see the light again".

So often fitness coaches say: "Abs are not made in the gym but in your kitchen". Meaning that you need to diet yourself until you lose your body fat. There is no way you can lose only abdominal fat as stated in article spot fat removal myth. No workout and no product on the market will make you get abs if your body fat percent is too high. Period. Although many marketing companies advertise contrary but do not believe them.

How do i know if i need to diet?

If you grab on your belly fat and it is thicker than 1.5cm than you need to go on the diet to get more visible abs. In other words having a 8-10% body fat is a good start for seeing some good results of your abdominal workout.

So why is that semi-right?

Because for most of us getting abs consists of dieting and working out. You need to train them just like any other muscle to grow.

Do I need separate exercise for lower and upper abs? There is no such thing as lower and upper abs, lower abs are less visible due to the fact that, in the lower part of your abdominal area, body stores more fat.

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