Is your relationship in crisis? In your heart, can you feel that life is not the same anymore with you and your lover? Having a break is the last thing you want. If this sounds anything like your situation, then you need to find out what you can to do help fix your relationship.

Q: Help me fix my relationship, my boyfriend deprives me of the love and attention I need. What do I need to do?

A: Obviously, from this question, you're depending on your boyfriend to feel cherished and happy.

You cannot control your boyfriend's feelings no matter how much you try. If you demand for his love and attention, you're creating a clingy and desperate vibe. Feeling attracted to someone who needs your love is really hard.

Look deep inside yourself and ask yourself "what can I do right now, to help me feel better?" and not "help me fix my relationship".

You shouldn't rely on your boyfriend's love just to feel whole. You must rely on yourself to be happy. Nothing is more beautiful to a guy than a confident woman who takes responsibility for her own happiness.

Q: Why do I and my partner always argue? We must be doing something wrong so help me fix my relationship.

A: In any relationship, arguments are pretty normal. Like you, your partner has personal opinions, too. However, effective arguments incorporate each individual uttering their own needs and desires without having to disrespect each other. Instead of "You" statements, use "I" statements.

Using "you" statements can result to an argument since it puts your partner on the defense. Your partner cannot argue with your feelings when you use "I" statements.

An example is that rather than telling your partner "you always get angry for wanting to go out with my friends," say, "I feel hurt and upset when you get in a mood when I go out with my friends".

Did you spot the difference?

Your partner cannot argue with your bad feelings.

If you're perplexed by the thoughts of "help me fix my relationship before it's too late", remember that you only have control of your thoughts and your actions and not your ex's.

Life can be really stressful and occasionally, the stress we get influences the present condition our relationship is in.

A lot of arguments ensue as a result of more negative interactions than positive ones. Don't go straight to the television or straight into your own thing when you get home from work or school.

Take a moment and let your girlfriend feel your presence by showing curiosity about her feelings, thoughts and emotions.

A lot of people tackle stress in their lives by numbing themselves from the current moment. When you are practicing attentiveness, you are in the current moment and this will assist you and your girlfriend connect on a much deeper level.

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If you found this helpful, also check out the article Boyfriend Doesn't Love Me Anymore on the website Get Relationship Back.