Passion fruit is a delicious, sweet, tropical fruit. He was already known to the Aztecs. In the Netherlands, it is a relatively expensive fruit, but in the tropics, you can be lucky enough to see the climbing plant in the wild and pick it for free. Passion fruits are small and round. You cut them in half so you can eat them with a small spoon. The flesh is nice and sweet and yet fresh. You eat many small seeds, but you do not pay any attention to it, the fruit tastes good.

In English and Spanish-speaking countries, this fruit is called granadilla. In total there are more than 200 types of passion fruit. The species have different colours of fruits. There are purple, green and yellow coloured passion fruits. In the Netherlands, the peel of the passion fruit has often dried up completely and is browned by the long journey it has had to make, but the flesh still tastes good, although sometimes something has dried up.

Tropical creeper
People from the tropics pull the fruit with their hands open to suck him empty in one go. The passion flower is a climbing plant with beautiful flowers that is related to the passion fruit. The passion flowers that can grow in the Netherlands do not get edible fruit. Some types of passion flower grow in the Netherlands but after a winter with more than -20 most passion flowers die. Its leaves fall off in winter but in the tropics, the plant stays green all year round.

Active substances in passion fruit
Passion fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and amino acids. There is a very rich source of vitamin A, C and the mineral potassium. In addition to potassium, there is a reasonable amount of iron, copper, magnesium and phosphorus in the passion fruit.

Passion fruit in food and drink
You can make fresh passion fruit juice by mixing the flesh of 3 to 4 fruits in a blender and adding a cup of water. The passion fruit is a delicious addition to a fruit smoothie with banana, apple and lemon. Grind the seeds with you, they will sink to the bottom anyway. You can put the passion fruit over ice. The best thing is to simply cut the passion fruit in half and spoon it out.

Traditional medicine
In the traditional medicine of South America, the passion fruit concentrate suppliers were in great demand because it is used against insomnia, headaches, diarrhoea, epileptic seizures, nerve pain, hysteria, crying babies, menopause symptoms, asthma, bronchitis, severe cough and high blood pressure. That is an impressive list. Most diseases have something to do with the nervous system. You will become calm and calm of passion fruit. You can buy relaxing tea mixes in organic shops and sometimes even in a regular supermarket.

Good against cancer
Like almost all fruit, the passion fruit helps against cancer. The University of Florida has done research and found that passion fruit helps prevent the formation of cancer cells. In particular, the risk of colon cancer is reduced if you regularly eat passion fruits. There are the antioxidants piceatannol and Scirpus B. These substances remove the free radicals that cause cell damage if they are present to a large extent and can eventually cause cancer

Fibers of the passion fruit
The healing power of fibers is known to most people. There is a reasonable amount of fiber in the passion fruit. The passion fruit is not alone there; virtually every fruit contains fiber. These fruit fibers are indigestible but good for digestion. They stimulate intestinal peristalsis. These are the movements that intestines make to push food further. Passion fruit prevents constipation in this way. People who suffer from it in the tropics do well to eat a passion fruit after the meal. That is not a punishment because the passion fruit has a unique tasty taste.

Author's Bio: 

Author is a passionate writer. He is a post-graduate in Marketing but, his style for writing influenced him to go in the realm of words. With writing running in his veins, he has created two fiction books and he loves to write health related article.