Pine Nuts For Weight Loss

Pine nuts have been traditionally used for flavoring in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines but recently there have been several studies to understand the pine nut in more detail. The results from several nutritionists and experts in natural medicine have found the the pine nuts, which don’t usually come up in discussions about editable nuts, are becoming a must add to your daily diet.

The reason pine nuts are becoming popular is due the fact these edible seeds from pines are jammed packed full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. So much so that nutritionists in Washington have announced that pine nuts play a significant role in ensuring heath and wellness.

Some of the key benefits of pine nuts are, anti-oxidative properties to help aging, increased energy, enhanced immunity system, improved eyesight and strengthened bones. You would think that was benefit enough, but other important benefits that make this nut a valuable inclusion in your diet is, that its fat content is good for the heart, helps blood circulation, is good for your nervous system and have been found to facilitate weight loss.

Pine Nuts For Nutrition and a Healthy Diet

The key ingredient in pine nuts that help with weight loss is pinolenic acid found in the nut oil which stimulates the body to produce two natural appetite suppressants: the hormones cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-1. Studies show that this fatty acid in pine nut oil can be used to make a person feel full for extended periods of time.

But it also has other weight loss properties. The combination of pine nuts vitamins B2, B3 and the pinolenic acid in pine nuts are essential for your metabolism and the breakdown of fats for weight loss. So not only does it suppress your hunger but it works to break down fat. Additionally, pine nuts are high in monosaturated fat which works to fight belly fat and helps lower cholesterol levels.

The good news is, with all the benefits that pine nuts are showing, they are very easy to find and have a very low calorie count. One tablespoon of pine nuts only contain approx. 60 calories. Pine nuts are becoming a new health rage and more companies are starting to market pine nut oil in many different forms like, pill capsules, nutrition bars, milk shakes etc..

Why wouldn’t anyone start to add pine nuts to their daily intake, it’s said that adding pine nuts regularly into your daily diet can drop your calorie consumption by 7% – 10% which makes it quick, tasty and the perfect snack to curb your hunger when you’re out and about or stuck at your desk at work.

Pine nuts are proving to be the wonder nut that everyone should be incorporating a pine nut diet into their daily routine, not only for weight loss but to provide a balance and improve health and wellness for years to come.

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