Negative thinking takes a huge toll on our energy. It prevents us from enjoying every moment that life has to offer (good and bad) and from reaching our goals. We work a job that we really don’t care for instead of making our vocation a vacation (the act of enjoying what you do for a living). I know what this is like because I spent most of my life thinking negatively and had no clue what was wrong with me. What was it that made me different than others who were successful and frolicked around happily? One day I vowed to myself that I would figure it out and I did! Here it goes and it’s actually kind of simple: The difference is that most successful people are committed to positive thinking! There it goes! I made it sound simple right?

People who are successful are able to reach their goals by IMMERSING their life around positive thinking and this is done DAILY!!! It’s like “brainwashing” yourself to think positively on a daily basis. This habit eventually takes over embedded negative thinking (which is usually somehow related to your childhood or past and should probably be confronted at some point). Don’t you notice how negative thinking drains your energy in a way that it steals your motivation to do anything? Everything feels like a huge task or burden. So it is no wonder why we don’t take the initiative to incorporate positive thinking into our daily routine. If only we did “force” our self to think positively. Please let me clarify that when I use the terms “brainwash” and “force” I absolutely mean them in a POSITIVE way – it’s like mandating yourself to reprogram the way you think.

A miraculous change occurs with our perception of things (especially bad things) when we immerse our self with positive thinking information (books and audio). The things that seemed bad to us before become valuable lessons. I can’t explain how much more vibrant your thinking becomes and how good it feels to love every day of your life! As long as we are vigilant to what we are feeding our self, there is much growth for us. We may stop growing physically, but there is unlimited opportunity for us to personally develop and this has been my experience. Persuade yourself into positive thinking everyday and soon you will change your DNA! Find YOUR balance!

I am not a doctor, psychiatrist or any profession of that nature. I am also not suggesting that you lose balance in your life. I am just sharing my real life experience with you because this is something I lived most of my life and was able to overcome on my own. I hid my turmoil from people in place of a smile so as not to burden anyone with my issue. It was clear that I had a lot of learning to do about positive thinking and balance. Through out my transformation I paid attention to how I felt and created the positive thinking mindset and balance that I now have in my life.

There are tons of free resources available online that provide valuable information pertaining to the topic of this article. I hope you have found my blog entry useful and many thanks for reading it.

Author's Bio: 

I'm a Passionista for Integrity, Inspiration & Enlightenment here at
I blog to persuade people into positive thinking every day, engaging them to undo embedded negative thinking (I've published my eBook on I carve out my feelings online with the hope that my outlook will help my readers learn how to be in love with every single day of their life and share that bliss with others. I love traveling, creating process efficiencies, laughing with my cats, sharing quality information for online entrepreneurs and tweeting inspiration to the world (just to name a few).