Action speaks louder than words…especially in sales communications. If you’ve ever wondered what sales pros learn in sales communication training, you can find out now. Use these 6-tips to ignite instant action.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”
- Will Rogers

Whether you are new to sales or an experienced pro, sitting around spouting smart ideas is not as powerful as taking action. However, it’s important to know which actions are the right ones to take. Otherwise you’ll run really fast…but not get ahead.

Kind of a strange choice, right? Think smart but do nothing. Or don’t think and run like wild. Neither one is the ultimate solution for faster sales, bigger sales and tighter sales cycles.

Use this powerful sales communication system to hardwire your sales presentations for success.

Clarify Your Desired Action
Decide what you want people to do.

What is your number 1 target? What is your Plan B? What is your Plan C?

These are extremely important questions asked by only top sales performers. Many people who are not part of that elite group refuse to ask these questions. They doggedly believe that by asking them they are staying focused and positive on achieving their #1 action.

Write Down Your Desired Action
Writing is profoundly powerful. In my sales presentation training, participants keep a journal for sales planning and delivery. Over and over the same thing shows up. The people who commit to writing down desired actions before each presentation, have consistently higher wins.

Focus and Visualize
Prior to each presentation, focus on your outcome. It’s easy to go on automatic and fall into a habit when you’re giving lots of presentations day in and day out. So I encourage you to build a new habit. Before each presentation, focus on your desired outcome. By staying present and visualizing this action in precise detail, you’ll also stay more positive.

Stay On Purpose
Stay passionate and purposeful. Select the action you’d like your client to take…because it’s the best choice for them to make. Once you have their best interests at heart, you can be a true advisor. You’ll build trust and loyalty, because you have their needs as a top priority.

Learn To Say No
While seeking your top action in every sales presentation is a key to win, learn to say ‘no.’ Say ‘no’ if your client asks for requests that are not realistic or in alignment with your business strategy.

Say ‘no’ if your client wants you to reinvent yourself, your product, and your services in ways that pull you off focus.

Whenever you decide to say ‘no’…make sure that you choose the alternative that is in line with your core business purpose. You can only do one thing at a time. If you are chasing opportunities in order to get a ‘win’ it is important to consider the long-term implications.

Saying ‘yes’ to tangential projects may look good in the moment. But in the long run it is a recipe for spreading yourself too thin.

Measure and Track
Here is something to start doing today. Measure your own sales communication system. Build a journal for yourself and your sales team, if you have one.

Organize your efforts, using this short system as a model. Now, measure what happens when you use this systematic approach. Record your progress today, this week, and this month.

The more you measure and track your efforts, the faster you’ll see what is working. How are you doing? What are you noticing? Do your current actions affect the pace, quality and results of sales?

If giving effective sales presentations is important to you, make this tiny investment in your success. It is only when you take consistent steps to learn sales presentation skills and use what you learn that you’ll see a dramatic improvement in your numbers.

Author's Bio: 

Milly Sonneman is a recognized expert in visual language. She is the co-director of Presentation Storyboarding, a leading presentation training firm, and author of the popular guides: Beyond Words and Rainmaker Stories available on Amazon. Milly helps business professionals give winning presentations, through Email Marketing skills trainings at Presentation Storyboarding. You can find out more about our courses or contact Milly through our website at: