A Coaching client the other day said she wasn’t sure whether she ‘believed’ in quantum physics. Actually quantum physics is sort of like gravity, you don’t have to believe in it to hit the ground, and you don’t have to believe in quantum physics to have everything imaginable created, influenced and changed by it.

The effects of quantum physics in our lives is so incredibly amazing that it makes total sense that it would be difficult to ‘believe’ in. How many times have we heard people say that they can’t possibly influence the creation of their lives because they would not have made the decision to create what they have now. It is easier to think that everything has happened separate from us, beyond our conscious (our unconscious) intentions.

That’s one of those quantum secrets revealed, thoughts are in fact things, and we have been sending messages to our cells and DNA for a lifetime without knowing it. All those things we said we didn’t want, and exclaimed with such passion that we didn’t want them were actualizing in our cells even as we spoke, partly because the cells have no concept of don’t want, they only decode the word want. So, if you say you don’t want to be poor….you have just told your cells to create the belief within you that you want to be poor – thereby creating some pretty stunning ‘bad’ luck.

Sound unbelievable? Well, our outcomes give us evidence of our thoughts. In a very interesting research study done at The Institute for HeartMath, DNA was collected from volunteers and put into test-tubes. The test-tubes were held by other research subjects and the subjects were asked to think negative or unhappy thoughts while holding the test-tubes with the DNA. The subjects mentally referred back to truly unhappy memories of events in their lives. When the test-tubes were collected and re-tested, the DNA was damaged by the negative thoughts.

The DNA was replaced in the test-tubes and given back to the test subjects who were asked to now think about happy times and happy events. When the DNA was retested after the subject held the happy thoughts and memories, it had already begun to repair. What thoughts are you holding about your body? Your emotional health? Your relationships? Your finances? This is a good time to re-think everything in your life – we are in a time of change globally. You can take control of the changes in your life with your intention.

To truly make changes in your DNA, you want to make your statements while in the theta brainwave, you can follow 6 basic steps that take you to theta, state your intention, and then receive in gratitude. Gratitude by the way has proven to be one of the most profoundly effective states in which to change ones life, especially when paired with forgiveness for self and others. It's a brave new world that has such beings in it.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Katie Garnett
Personal Achievement Coach
Certified One Command Leader & Practitioner
Founder of Behavioral DNA Patterns®
Co-founder of Programs for Awakening