If defence mechanisms were mentioned, it is likely that regression would be spoken about and this is because it is one of the more common ones. But no matter what defence mechanism is used, they all have the same purpose. With the purpose being that they allow one’s mind to avoid the emotional pain of the body.

Although defence mechanisms could be seen as bad things, without them one wouldn’t last very long. They allow one to keep pain under control and to regulate what happens to them. Without them one would end up being overwhelmed by pain and life would be unbearable.

However, one can have a tendency to use one defence mechanism more that they use another or even have a few that they use as a way of life. And the reason that they have become accustomed to using a certain one can depend on numerous factors.

Their childhood will play a big role, as will the people that they spend their time with and the society that they live in. so the ones they use will typically be what one feels safe with and to use others would be associated as not being safe.

The Build Up

So even though one will need to use these from time to time and could have certain ones operating in their life constantly, the more pain that has built up within them, the more defences they will need to have.

If these defence mechanisms were removed even momentarily, all kinds of pain could arise and this might be too much for someone to cope with. At least if they didn’t have the right support around them. One might need to undergo a number of sessions with a therapist or a healer.

But with that aside, it is clear that defence mechanisms are similar to the dams that keep water at bay. And just like how water would shoot out if the dam wasn’t there, emotional pain would appear in the same way if these defences were not in place.

Short Term

One could have a tire that goes flat and as a way to handle this problem, they use the spare. But while this has short term benefits, it is often not meant to be used constantly. A new tyre will be needed.

And although defence mechanisms do have short term benefits, when they are used in the long run it can lead to problems. The mind can come to the conclusion that everything is fine and yet the body will still be carrying the emotional pain that appeared through a certain event or a number of events taking place.


These defence mechanisms allow the mind to experience a sense of control. And this is not done through the mind working with ones emotions and being with then, but by trying to control them or through denying their existence.

But although the mind can believe that it is in control by avoiding emotions and therefore the pain that they can create, the whole process is can cause one to become more and more out of control.

And yet these defence mechanisms can stop one from realising that this is what is actually happening. What is happening in one’s body and what is taking place externally can then seem random and as happening to them, as opposed to being created by them.

As Time Passes

At first, one might be able to deal with this emotional pain without too much trouble, but as time passes and the years go by, it is likely to become out of control. The cracks will start to appear in one way or another.

One could then end up engaging in a lot of projection and what they are not willing to face within themselves; they end up seeing in other people. Here, one can feel that they are being victimised by external factors, but the world is just reflecting back what is going on in their body.


When it comes to regression, one is returning to a state of being that feels safe. So there will be an external trigger of some kind and based on how ones ego mind interprets this, one will end up feeling a certain way and therefore act in a way that feels comfortable.

This will happen automatically and without one having to think about it. As an adult this is not going to be ideal, as one is likely to regress to a childlike state. So although they are physically an adult, emotionally they will feel like child. And this is not going to be a child that is happy and full of life.


It could be the result of what has happened throughout one’s life, but one childhood years are often the primary cause. So during ones childhood, something would have happened that was traumatic or there could have been an accumulation of miner experiences that were traumatic and this caused them to feel certain emotions.

And if these were allowed to be faced and released there wouldn’t be a problem. But as they were not released, they will have stayed stuck in one’s body. And whenever one is in a situation that reminds them of this early event, they will return to how they felt all those years ago.

The Experience

This could be something subtle and doesn’t necessarily need to be something significant. All it could take is: a certain look or vocal tone, smell, temperature or a word and one has regressed.

They could then end up feeling: hopeless, helpless, vulnerable, ashamed, scared, abandoned, rejected, alone, humiliated and powerless amongst other things.


So all the time these trapped feelings and emotions are in ones body, it is going to be a challenge for one to be an empowered adult. One might find that they regress during certain moments or that their life is full of these moments and they generally feel out of control and disempowered.

These will needs to be faced and released. And this can be done with the assistance of a therapist or a healer who will allow one to face them and gradually release them.

Author's Bio: 

Prolific writer, thought leader and coach, Oliver JR Cooper hails from the United Kingdom. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation; love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With several hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. Current projects include "A Dialogue With The Heart" and "Communication Made Easy."

To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

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