You keep forgetting…

You keep going through life feeling like you are stuck…

You go through the motions of living life to the full and yet, there is still something inside of you that doubts yourself…

Something that sees the world as a place of despair…

And you wonder whether you will ever reach the place you know exists inside of your heart…

You want more…

And you are not even always sure what the more is, that you want.

You just know you are dissatisfied.

And people tell you to be grateful for the things in your life and that helps, for sure, but it is not enough…

It feel a little like there is something you are forgetting…

Something that keeps calling out to you…

Something that knows more than you do, about the life you know you must lead…

And every so often, in the silence, you catch a glimpse of something and it makes you long for even more of a revelation…

It is something you have always known and it brings with it a sense that it is truth…

And yet, you find it so hard to hold onto the truth of it in the hustle and bustle of every day life…

You find yourself loosing hold of this truth and going along with what seems obvious, what seems practical…

But the practical, the mundane… it feels incomplete and wrong and so you keep longing for another glimpse of truth…

This is something you have known forever and yet, your current reality makes it seem unreal. And so you doubt it and continue to create more lack and scarcity in your life because you refuse to do the work that will open you up to abundance.

and it is ONLY in work that you love, work that you are called to (And usually, the work you love is also your calling)…

It is only in this work that you will experience the abundance that YOU KNOW you are supposed to be experiencing…

You can keep listening to the ‘norms’ telling you that you have to do whatever you have to do to make money…

And then, that is what you will get, that is what you have – some money but no abundance.

And it is not enough for you, is it?

The things you have to do, to keep the money flowing do not feel good, do they? and so life does not feel abundant at all. You may have more than others in your world but it still feels as though you are stuck in lack and scarcity and you want more than this…

I remember reading a book about this ‘The Big Leap’ by Gay Hendricks.

And it may seem obvious that you can feel good all the time and yet, you get in your own way with this all the time.

You feel guilty when you feel good, you start looking for trouble when you feel good, you start waiting for the catch when you feel good and you go back to a place of feeling so-so.

It is time to remember that it is okay to feel good all the time…

It is time to question those times when you do not feel good and stop accepting that as your norm.

Yes, people will think you are deluded when they see you trying to have it all…

People will think you strange that you think that you can have it all…

So what? You are not a ‘norm’ and it is time you remember that and actually become a lighthouse for ‘norms’ to follow, rather than following the times and trends of norms.

You have been created good!

No, honey, let me correct that – You have been created awesome!

There is nothing lacking inside of you! Every answer you need, you can find if you choose to look for it…

You really can be self-sufficient. The kingdom is literally within you!

All you need to do is discover and believe it consistently even on the days when it feels like you are getting nowhere…

You are still enough…

Even when it feels like everything is falling down around your ears…

You are still enough…

At times, you may chose to work with a mentor, a coach to remind you of your enough-ness, to upgrade some of your skills and even then, you are enough! They are just drawing on the abundance that is already within you…

They are just reminding you that you are enough…

All they do is teach you to draw on you, your internal source…

You create and create and continually create.

And yet, you forget that you do this.

You still think that life is happening to you…

But no, honey, you are creating life…

You may choose to live more in a reactive state because you think you have no choices…

But you do have choice!

You are powerful.

Imagine what you could create if you trusted everything I have reminded you of above and actually lived it out as your norm.

Imagine you identified with all these things instead of settling for your reactive state that has been created for you by the ‘norms’ in your life…


And you are creating daily…


and create from that place.

There are many more things I can remind you of, but I will stop here for now.

It is time to wake up, to step up and create the life and the business you want!

NB – Work with me, 1 on 1, creating life and business the way you want it in 2016.

What would it be like for you to have someone completely on your side?

What would it be like to have someone whose only agenda is your agenda?

What would it be like to have that someone be able to support you in creating the life and the business that you want?

Someone with experience of building successful businesses?

Whose only agenda in your work together is you and supporting you in taking the actions that will get you all that you want in 2016?

Welcome to ‘PROJECT YOU’

A coaching program designed with you in mind and it starts with a 25 minute discovery session with me in the coming week. IN this complementary session, we will talk over the phone/skype and discover

1- What you want to make happen in 2016 – your ultimate success

2 – What obstacles seem to be in the way of making it happen…

3 – A next step plan to create all you want

You will leave the session ready to begin the year with gusto and reinvigorated.

And if you are one of the few who decide to make a solid step-up towards attaining your goals, then we will work together in 2016 in a program that is designed with you in mind.

This discovery session is for you –

If you want to grow your business, or transition into your own business…

Or even if you have some other big goals around your health, wellness, overall wealth investment plans and relationships as well.

Are you ready for PROJECT YOU?

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online