Building a solid financial footing can be hard when you are just starting out. You may be done with school and dealing with student loans or trying to work out your first budget. No matter what direction your professional life goes, building an emergency fund and starting your retirement savings are key.

Consult a Minimalist

You may not ever be someone who can thrive in a tiny house or live out of a suitcase, but knowing someone who thrives with just the necessities can be a great life lesson. The urge to buy more things will get very strong once you start getting a paycheck. If you can get into the minimalist habit early, you may be able to avoid some student debt. You’ll also be a lot more mobile when you're done with school or ready to pursue the next stage of your career.

Learn From Your Elders

Find a frugal family member and start there, because one of the best financial skills you can ever learn is frugality. Maybe you have a grandparent who survived the Great Depression or you have an aunt, uncle, or parent, who went through tight times. You can ask them for advice and about tricks they learned to save money.

Earning more is lovely, but if you don't know exactly where that money is going, all the side hustles in the world won't help your financial situation. For example, if you're interested in starting a business, you will need a reserve of cash to cover your basic expenses while the majority of your energy and income goes back into the business. With strong frugal skills and savings, you can make your business a success.

Study With the Investors

Most folks just starting out in the working world don't worry about investing. They may be unsure where to start, paying down student debt, or simply happy to be getting a paycheck. However, if you can invest a little now, you’ll find that it can grow.

However, if you’ve never invested before, this can be a confusing world to get into. Consider also making an appointment with a financial management services company, like Luckie Seven Solutions Inc. They can take a look at your budget and your investment options to highlight the best opportunities for you. For example, if your employer offers a 401(k), they can help you make sure you contribute at least enough to get any matching dollars available. They can also help you start a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA, or a pre-retirement investment account. The money you put in your retirement accounts can't be accessed until you're 59 and a half. If you dream of retiring early, you will need investments you can access when you choose.

Learning to thrive with less stuff and fewer expenses is easier when you're young. Starting a retirement account in your 20s will put you ahead of many in your demographic. Finally, do your best to learn from the folks who had to manage money well just to survive.

Author's Bio: 

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University and now enjoys writing about health, business, and family. A mother of two wonderful children, she loves traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can find her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.