Sciatica is a very serious problem that many people are forced to deal with on a daily basis. It can be a debilitating disease that is often accompanied by quite a bit of pain. In general, the condition refers to pain, numbness, and weakness or tingling that is going to be present within the leg. Typically, the condition is caused when an individual suffers injury to the Sciatica nerve. Most often the condition is going to be a condition that is caused by other medical issues and the problem and is not considered to be a medical condition on its own.


There are many potential causes of the condition. Typically, it happens when pressure is applied to the sciatic nerve. This is a nerve that starts at the bottom portion of the spine, and runs down each of the legs. This nerve is used to control the muscles in the back of the leg and knee, and helps to provide sensation in the back of the thigh. There are many different common causes of the condition including the fracture of the pelvis, tumors in the pelvis and surrounding area, slipped discs, and any other type of situation that could cause damage to the lower back, putting pressure on the nerve as it runs.


The symptoms can range greatly depending upon the person. Some people only have a very small amount of tingling that may be experienced. Others have a dull ache or a burning sensation. The pain is going to range from person-to-person, and can be relatively mild, all the way up to downright debilitating. The pain often starts in very small amounts are very slowly, and gets worse over time.Many people notice that the pain becomes much stronger when they are sneezing, or coughing. Also, it can make you very hard to stretch and bend in the way that you are used to, which can cause people to experience additional pain.


Keep in mind that Sciatica is a result of an underlying medical condition, which needs to be treated on its own, in order to alleviate the symptoms. Sometimes, there are no treatments available for the condition and you have to start by trying to manage the pain with the ischias behandling, and find new ways to live your life. There are some conservative treatments that are available to those that experience a good deal of pain from the condition. Most doctors will recommend that you would apply heat to the area that is painful, or eyes, depending on what works best for you. Sometimes, doctors will recommend that you utilize ice in the beginning, and then switch to heat over the course of a few days. Also, you can utilize otc pain relievers such as aspirin or Tylenol in order to alleviate the pain. In extreme cases, you can speak to your doctor about prescription painkillers in order to reduce the pain, and begin to live your life on a day-to-day basis in a much more meaningful way, learning how to manage the pain.

When dealing with ischias, there are many things that need to be taken into consideration, and pain management needs to be your number one overall goal. The Ischiasnerven is the primary concern for anyone having these issues.

Author's Bio: is a page about sciatica. Page seeking an easy way to explain what is sciatica, treatment, causes, prognosis and prevention. Here the first page gives you a brief summary of Ischiasnerven.