Having no control over your cash can be a very dangerous thing. Someone said money is the root of all evil, which is in some sense true, given the fact that the majority of criminal offenses happening have been brought about by the desire or need for cash. Now, the current financial situation you may be in right now may not be calling for measures that drastic, but it may be giving you a hard time. That’s completely understandable, as there are many people going through the same crap you’re putting up with. You wake up one morning only to find out that you’ve been coming short handed for necessary payments – it’s not just that time of the month, but it probably happens several times a month, every month even.

You also wonder where your cash has been going, if it slipped out or got misplaced or something. But thinking things over, the real cause of the debt problems and whatever financial burdens you’re bearing at present can be traced back to you, why? Mainly because you’ve failed to come up with a household budget plan – this “systematic approach” is what keeps you from keeping yourself in the “dark”, or from wondering where the hell you’ve been spending your dough. There’s nothing complicated with making a household budget plan. I’ve no idea why some people think otherwise, as associate it with long journal records and junk like that.

Here’s good news: it’s nothing like that, chump. There’ll be no requirement for you to use computer budgeting software or anything fancy like that either, all you’ll need is a pen (preferably a pencil) and a little notebook (or a piece of paper). The first thing you'll have to do is recall all your expenses for the past 4 months and write them down – these includes your bills, and practically everything that sucks the cash outta your pocket. When I say everything, I mean it – no matter how small or inexpensive the commodity is, like a pack of cigarettes, I want you to write it down.

They may not mean much individually, but adding them up can mean equate to a sum that can do some damage. Once you’ve done that, write down the total at the bottom of the page. The next step you to take for the creation of your household budget plan is list down all the total income you’ve earned for the past for months. This can be from your day job, part-time job, returns from investments, and anything else providing a consistent stream of income. Then, add them up and write them at the bottom of the page as well. Next step is to divide the totals by for, which will give you the average monthly expenses and income.

The ideal situation would be income average greater than expense average. However, if it’s opposite for you, that’d been you could be on your way to debt trouble, then meaning you’d need to make adjustments. Cut out the items sucking the cash out of you pockets, the ones that you don’t need, specifically. That’ll help you fix the household budget plan, and make sure you earn more than you spend. From there, you plan where you allocate your funds for the coming expenses for the next month, and other months to come. That way, you’ll have better control over what you spend your dough for, and know exactly where it’s going.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Rick Goldfeller is a successful underground Financial Analyst who has been advising and coaching individuals for many years. Rick recently published a book on how to manage your money and attract Wealth and Financial Freedom. More info on his Finance Planning course is available at SaveWhileYouSpend.com.