Remote work is turning into a more prevalent trend in business and the recent COVID-19 outbreak has made "Remote Working" the new normal. With the shift to remote working, the access to applications, tools, services that are stored in the cloud has been on the rise; this is the best time for organizations to plan on not just providing seamless access to resources but also safeguarding them from cyber-attacks. 

The present business environment requires employees and vendors to access your company's network, applications, tools, and services from any location from any device (company-owned or BYOD). Increasingly more business is led in the cloud from remote locations, which includes tech support, e-commerce, database entry, and other day-to-day business functions.

Though it's great to allow remote access from any location using any device, what organizations must consider is to secure the network so that hackers can stay away from valuable information, avoid a data breach, upload any unwanted files which may harm business ROI.

Importance of Zero-Trust Security for Remote Working

Remote working has different categories where certain companies provide corporate devices managed by them and then some employees might utilize their own devices to work. Hence it's essential to secure these end-points, be it company-owned or BYOD so that hackers can't steal data or use that machine as a channel to access companies' networks.

To secure data, applications, and devices, organizations need to prioritize on safeguarding their channel and check if every access to their resources are trusted and verified, this is where Zero Trust Network Access comes into the picture. 

With Zero Trust Solution, organizations can secure devices, applications, tools and data right from a web-based dashboard. Zero Trust solution never trusts any access to organizations resources, in addition to authentication it constantly monitors to ensure risky behavior is identified immediately and takes steps to avoid cyberattack or threat.

Securing passwords is not enough, even if multi-factor authentication is once authenticated the user gets access to the network. Zero Trust helps in constantly monitoring the device, network, application and data. Basically, Zero-Trust Security Model examines and monitors each and every action that a user takes.

Why Choose a Secure Network Access Technology

Zero Trust Network Access is an emerging technology, designed to address challenges presented by traditional methods of security (VPN). Using one suchZero Trust solution requires a client on the workstation but completely differs from VPN Replacement Technology.

There's a wide range of ZTNA products in the market, below are some basic ZTNA considerations that might help in understanding better:

  • Easy Dynamic Scalability: As ZTNA products are cloud-based, organizations can increase or decrease subscriptions to scale their remote access requirements.
  • Monitors and reduces attack surface: Users are not considered as trusted users by default, the access is given to things that they need to do their job thus reducing the attack surface greatly and minimizing security risk.
  • ZTNA client remains connected: ZTNA clients remain connected all the time, this makes it less likely and difficult to bypass the connection to organizations resources.
  • Better User Experience: As ZTNA clients are connected all the time, working from home feels a lot more like working from the office using a ZTNA connection. This indeed reduces help desk call volume, enhances productivity and improves user experience.

Many organizations can't spend much of their planning and efforts on securing their network and cloud assets as their industry and outcome needs a different focus. Cybersecurity solutions like InstaSafe allow organizations to enhance security measures without compromising their productivity and performance for remote workforce as well as the workplace. 

Author's Bio: 

I am Malik Nauman, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 6 years now. I have been sharing my opinions and contributing to varied websites.