Once upon a time, a legendary martial artist Bruce Lee once said: "Simplicity is the key to success." He was right. In the world of fitness and exercise, simple principles give you the best results. Getting in shape doesn't have to be difficult!

To get really good in shape, the quantity is not as important as quality. In addition, complex does not always mean better. You are about to find simple training strategies that can be implemented easily, quickly and with good results, even if you are a beginner. So what should you do? Good question. Let us list some simple training tips and strategies to help you reach your goals.

Put your machines on rest.
An effective exercise strategy is to perform compound movements where multiple joints and muscle groups are loaded in both the upper and lower body. For example, instead of just standing in one place with bicep curls in front of your arms, you can add lunges (step forward and back). You now get the metabolic effect of using the leg muscles and the extra challenge to keep the upper body in balance. You don't necessarily have to use heavy weights, because the body needs to use more muscles to control the right balance.

Plan your cardio workout at the right time
The timing of your cardiovascular workouts influences your fat loss / muscle mass comparison. Cardio promotes fat loss, but if you do this too much it can also inhibit muscle strength, muscle mass and therefore fat burning. Performing cardio workouts in the morning before breakfast (three times a week) is ideal for taking advantage of maximum fat burning.

Drink plenty of water
Did you know that dehydration makes you fatter? Why? Because glycogen (sugars from ingested carbohydrates) is stored together with water. There must be three grams of water for every gram of glycogen in the muscle. Dehydration forces glucose to stay in the bloodstream rather than muscle until it reaches the liver which acts as emergency storage. When the liver is full, the glycogen is absorbed by your fat cells. Not so good!

Water is an essential nutrient and perhaps the most neglected nutrient among people trying to invent the 'best diet'. If you sweat, you lose water; that is why water is of vital importance for anyone who intensively sports. The old rule of six to eight glasses per day is a good approximation for how much you should consume in a day. If you live in a warm climate and / or you are in a warm environment all day, it will be important to get more water.

Plan your workouts and make it happen
How can you achieve a goal that you can't even see? You must set your goals and then document your progress through a diary, computer, or mobile phone application. This is the only verifiable way that you can determine what works and does not work over time. Write down everything from what you eat when you eat, training programs, how to choose the best waist trainer, how you felt during and after workouts, etc. Take pictures of yourself as you progress to attach the visible senses to your goal.

Focus on the core
Many are motivated to exercise because they want to improve their physique. One of the main causes associated with that goal has to do with the fact that the six-pack has degenerated into a one-pack.

Make time to rest
One of the main reasons why people fail in their attempt to lose weight and get in shape is that they try to achieve too much too quickly. They are so inspired to exercise that they train too much. Creating a large number of sets, repetitions and training days without sufficient time to rest and recover is the quickest way to sabotage your progress. Muscles grow when you let them rest in between exercising.

One of the best-known secrets to getting in shape is more rest between workouts. Rest is known in the fitness industry as silent training. Exercising breaks down muscles; Resting allows the body to regenerate and build more lean muscles. The simple training principle comes in, train smart, get out, rest and eat well.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones