8 Ways To Remove Blackheads From Your Nose

Small bumps that appear on the skin caused due to clogged hair follicles are known as blackheads. These bumps get their names due to their dark or black appearances. Blackheads usually form around the face but they also appear around certain body parts such as back, chest, neck, arms or shoulders. Our nose is the most prone body part to form blackheads as it’s surrounded by facial hair. As our nose is placed in the center of our face, it is always at the center of attraction. Thus, it is more appealing to keep your nose clear of blackheads. The following article suggests 8 highly effective ways to remove blackheads.

Wash your face regularly

Washing your face is one of the easiest ways to help prevent blackheads. When washing your face, be sure to scrub gently using a cloth. Be sure to wash your face every morning to remove any dirt or bacteria that may have gotten on your face overnight. It is also important to wash your face after traveling or after exercise as your skin is bound to get dirtier after those activities. Using an oil control face cleaner whilst washing your face makes this treatment more efficient.

Never sleep whilst wearing your makeup
Sleeping with your makeup on is like begging for blackheads. This is because makeup clogs your pores which is one of the primary causes of blackheads. Even if the makeup you use is non-comedogenic, having makeup on overnight could also lead to skin irritations and infections.

Pore cleaner Strips

Pore cleaner strips remove a layer of the skin that consists of the oxidized oil and dirt that make up the blackheads. However, pore cleaner strips do not work as a blackhead prevention remedy as they do not regulate your skin’s oil production. Steaming helps you open your pores, thus, makes the pore strips more effective. While pore strips can be used as a blackhead removers, we should keep in mind that they are capable of removing natural oils also that are essential for our skin. Thus, we should not use pore strips very often.

Oil-free sunscreen

It is important to use sunscreen regardless of your skin type as it protects you from the harmful radiations of the sun. These radiations are major causes of blackheads. If you feel like sunscreen throws your skin’s oil proportions out of balance, you can use oil-free sunscreen options that still effective in blocking both UVA and UVB rays.

Clay or Charcoal mask

Wearing a clay or charcoal mask is a great way to deal with blackheads. These two blackhead removal treatments require a little effort. Clay masks loosen your skin temporarily to help the excess oils and dirt trapped under your skin to escape. Charcoal is a great detoxifier. It works at a deeper level, thus, removing dirt and other impurities present within your skin. You can make clay or charcoal masks at your home or purchase them over-the-counter.

Exfoliate using AHAs and BHAs

A common conception when it comes to exfoliating is that many people think of harsh and rough scrubs. These actually cause your acne to get further inflated. Using chemical exfoliates such as the AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids) and BHAs (beta-hydroxy acids) will greatly affect your exfoliating process. These gentle acids clear dead skin and help clear the way for other products to perform their roles better. Using these chemicals to clear your skin before using a vacuum pore cleanser could greatly enhance its benefits.

Professional extraction
Extraction is a blackhead removal process where the professional salon experts are manually removed from your face. It is best to leave extraction blackhead removal processes to professionals as they would have a better understanding of the situation and the right tools to deal with it.

Revive Comedo Suction

Revive Comedo Suction by Protragen is a portable vacuum pore cleanser. Most vacuum pore cleanser machines require you to follow complex methods, however, you can use Revive without any expert help. This blackhead removal device is compact and portable thus you can keep your skin clear of blackheads wherever you go.

Author's Bio: 

Revive Comedo Suction by Protragen is a portable vacuum pore cleanser. Most vacuum pore cleanser machines require you to follow complex methods, however, you can use Revive without any expert help. This blackhead removal device is compact and portable thus you can keep your skin clear of blackheads wherever you go.