Most mornings you roll out of bed after hitting the snooze button about 4-5 times, with just enough time to jump in a quick shower and decide on what to wear to work. This leaves you with an empty stomach and barely enough energy to make it until lunchtime. To make it through the morning you may grab a coffee, energy drink, or high calorie snack from a fast food restaurant or vending machine but your body is still left feeling hungry and tired. This is a terrible start to the day. These bad habits over time lead to fatigue, exhaustion and malnutrition.

To start your day off right, it requires a few key ingredients. First off you need to get enough sleep. Going to bed at a decent time so your body gets a sufficient number of hours of sleep to reboot and regenerate that way when you wake up (whether it be naturally or from the sound of your alarm) you feel reenergized and ready to start your day. During the night our body continues to work by repairing damaged cells, restoring brain function and round up any toxins that need to be eliminated. By drinking 8 ounces of water right when you wake in the morning your body is better able to rehydrate and excrete toxins that can deplete your nutrient and energy supply. Stretching and exercising should always be a part of your morning routine.

After sleeping in the same position for 7-8 hours breathing has slowed causing circulation to slow down, and the muscles have been fixed in the same position. Exercising helps to circulate blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Stretching increases the muscles range of motion and loosens tightened muscles. Plus exercising burns calories, which helps to increase metabolism leaving you with more energy throughout your day. You don’t have to do a hard workout. Take your dogs for a walk, go for a jog, or do yoga or Pilates. Fifteen to twenty minutes in the morning will help get your day started on the right track.

The last thing to do after you exercise is probably the most important. Eat a good breakfast. After exercising its key to replenish the nutrients the body has used up through physical activity. Protein and vitamin C are two vital nutrients needed to help rebuild and repair muscle fibers. We need minerals to balance our electrolytes that get lost when we sweat. A healthy breakfast consists of lean protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber. Eating a combination of protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will provide the body with everything it needs to repair, rebuild and grow. A good breakfast will also give you energy to boost mental capacity, boost mood and boost immunity. Therefore good breakfast foods include eggs, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, yogurt, whole grain toast, whole grain cereal, low fat cheeses, etc. Feeding the body helps to repair cellular damage, prevent disease, provide nutrients to the cells, prevent fatigue, provide energy to the body, increase mental capacity, and boost mood. By eating breakfast you start your day off right.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine.
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