STIs can affect people of all ages and backgrounds, which means that it’s important to be aware of the dangers at all times, even if you think that you aren’t likely to fall within a particularly high risk group. Most of the sexually active men and women are still under the impression that using barrier contraceptives is necessary only during vaginal intercourse and unprotected sexual intercourse is the sole reason behind spread of infections. The truth, however, is that an STI can spread through any form of sexual intimacy.

There are mainly four types of STIs – bacterial, viral, protozoan and fungal, however those of a bacterial nature are far more common. The chance of being contaminated by these infections increases significantly for those men and women with multiple sex partners, compromised immune systems, inclination to involve in sexual intimacy without protection, intravenous drug abuse and for babies whose mothers haven’t been treated with the right medication. In the last case the infection occurs either by infection of the foetus or during passing of the baby through an infected birth canal during delivery.

Like most other European countries in chlamydia is the most frequently occurring sexually transmitted infection in Ireland. The bacteria chlamydia trachomatis is responsible for spreading the infection and an act of contamination occurs during unprotected sexual intimacy, the chance of mucous membranes of two persons are under the highest chance of being contacted. The symptoms of an infection though are delayed generally appear in and around the genitals or rectum. This disease also increases the chance of blindness by causing eye infection, premature delivery, pelvic inflammatory disease, weakened immune and finally increases the chance of life threatening infections. The best way to treat chlamydia infection is to take the right antibiotic and it goes the same for any other bacterial infection. The good news is that correct administration of a suitable antibiotic can cure the infection completely by killing the bacteria and removing the infectious strains completely from your body.

One of the most frequently administered antibiotics for bacterial STI treatment is Doxycycline. This medication is a versatile antibiotic and can be used successfully to treat a broad number of infections. The best part about Doxycycline is that compared to several other medications belonging to the same class it doesn’t tend to cause side effects and can still deal with the infection effectively. As it works gradually inside a person’s system, you need to continue taking the pill for a period of time. This medication comes in 100mg strength capsules and generally you are required to take two Doxycycline capsules per day for 7 to 10 days period. Most people tend to feel better within the first two to three days of starting treatment. However, you shouldn’t stop taking the medication till the course is over. Genuine Doxycycline capsules for STI treatment in Ireland can be purchased from, a trusted online pharmacy. HealthExpress allows you to complete a completely free and confidential consultation form after which one of their team of doctors will make sure that you can safely use this treatment, if a prescription is approved you’ll be able to complete your order and have it delivered via secure overnight delivery directly to your door. If you are interested to know further about bacterial STIs and the treatment options available, please click here.

Author's Bio: 

Written by Adelisa Neumark, webmaster and content writer at, a leading online clinic in Ireland.Know about bacterial STIs and the best way to treat chlamydia infection effectively with prescribed Doxycycline capsules. If you are interested to know further about bacterial STIs and the treatment options available, please click here.