Stress, it is a word we hear regularly, often daily and in many forms and varieties.

So why are we 'stressed'?

Is it a fact of our lives as humans in this day and age, and that we are subject to a great deal more in our day than our forebears or predecessors needed to deal with?

Are our expectations of ourselves and our preconceived expectations from others of "US" higher than they were in the past?

Do we work to fit more into our day, children to take to sport, music, ballet, events to attend, a life style to 'up keep', and the pressures to be at, attend, and contribute to not just our own 'home and work life' however also the lives of those with whom we are entwined.

In my early years we were a small family, we visited my Grandparents on weekends,my father was away studying, and my mother stayed at home. The biggest 'stress' was the bus trip on the weekend of some 10 or so miles to my grandparents house as we had moved when I was a small child to another area.

Nowadays everything seems to be at a rush, traffic is busier, roads are more congested, every one 'wants' whatever their want, and they want it 'Yesterday', if not sooner,

Some time ago, I contributed to a forum on Stress with a wonderful friend in the UK and there are some great methods and tools for dealing with stress,as well as tension and anxiety available, and honestly laughter seems to one of the best medicines.

With that thought in mind I 'scribbled' for that forum the following short poem, which may just help you to laugh.

Stress they call it, I wonder why
Is it because you often cry
Or is it then a man made word
That describes something often heard
If we take the letters true
Why then they may explain to you

S, big and bold italic too
Does this mean anything to you?

T and then the T well it may mean
Temper tantrums more frequently seen

RRRR indeed now there’s a fellow
For times when you may not feel mellow

E now for emotion E does stand you see
For a shoulder to cry on then come to me

S is a letter rounded so
Where is this stress then meant to go

S another S and rounded too
Is this stress mine or does it belong to you

For often children if you will
We take on thoughts that do us ill
As well as worries problems too
So ask yourself do they belong to you?
And if not yours, why then to ask
Please some one else take on this task.

May I ask you 'Where in YOUR day do you honor you'. Can you just for today, just for a few minutes,let go of the stress? Yes, that's great!

Ok, I suggest you sit comfortably for a few moments, close your eyes, and take in three nice deep breaths. Allow these deep deep breaths to fill your lungs and expand your chest, breathing easily and effortlessly.

Breathe normally, and with each breathe allow your self to relax more and more.

Allow any stress and tension to be breathed out of your body, relaxing you more and more.

Acknowledge and hold that relaxed feeling within your mind. You can then access it when ever you wish, and smile to lock it in.

Wishing you a stress free life.....

Author's Bio: 

Healer, teacher and great-grandmother, Reverend Sheila Kennedy is a protagonist for social change : from the deep recesses of cellular memory to the vast expanses of the universe. A woman of Celtic and Spanish Gypsy ancestry, Sheila grew up in East Africa and the Australian outback. Sheila's work, like her background, is an eclectic and innovative blend of indigenous and contemporary healing modalities.

Sheila's journey into holistic healing practices began 30 years ago, traversing a range of modalities including: Vibrational Kinesiology [The Dawson Program], Reiki/Seichem, Spiritual/ Aura Healing, Chakra Balancing, Self Empowerment and Regression Therapies, Holographic Kinetics, Hypnosis, The Children’s Learning Program and Vibrational Sound Therapy.

In 2004 Sheila co-created The Sounds from Source. 'The Sounds' are a synergistic blend of channelled information, the sound and vibration of tingshaw bells and, the power of intent. The sounds facilitate the release of cellular memory and assist in restoring the body to health and harmony. In more recent times, the sounds have evolved to facilitate planetary and universal healing. Similarly, Sheila's energy has evolved to support the healing of Mother Earth and broader expanses.

Sheila is currently completing a PhD in Metaphysics. She is the founder of The Children’s Learning Program, The Sounds from Source Practitioner Programs, Energetic Balance and Harmony Program and, the Sounds from Source Academy.,,