Internal medicine jobs comprise many sub specialties of medical practice. The internist or doctor of internal medicine can choose many sub categories of the profession. These sub specialties deal with different medical issues and systems of the body. The one duty that does not encompass the realm of internal medicine jobs in the specialty of surgery. The surgeon is not a sub specialty of internal medicine.

Cardiology, rheumatology and gastroenterology are all sub specialties of internal medicine. An internist has a vast knowledge of a one particular area of the body, however, in addition to specializing in a specific body part of the body or specific system, the doctor of internal medicine should have an extensive knowledge of all body systems and how they relate to one another.

Just like the family or general practitioner, the doctor of internal medicine examines the patient, orders and interprets lab tests and x-rays and also prescribes medications and treatments. The internal medicine physician must complete an accredited medical school and then go on to complete a residency in the specialty of their choice. Internists are frequently called upon by general practitioners as consultants if one of their patients has a medical problem that is beyond their scope of expertise or practice. Internists limited their practice to internal medicine just like the family practitioner or cardiologist limit their practices to their specific fields.

Internal medicine jobs are usually found in the hospital. Most internal medicine doctors set up their own private practices, but see their patients if they are admitted into the hospital. Many internal medicine doctors follow their patients into nursing homes or long term care facilities. Usually the internal medicine doctor is not a patient's primary care physician, because of their specialty, however, many internists declare their sub specialty in the field of adult or geriatric medicine. In these cases, the doctor of internal medicine is in a position to be the patient's primary care physician.

The endocrinologist is an internist that specializes in the endocrine system of the human body. This internist commonly treats the diabetic patient. The endocrinologist is sometimes referred to as the "diabetes doctor" to many patients. This internist monitors patients blood glucose levels and monitors the function of the pancreas, the gland that is responsible for producing and regulating insulin. As the population continues to become more and more obese and age, the frequency of Type II diabetes is increasing. The doctor of internal medicine that specializes in endocrinology is therefore in great demand, and will continue to be in the future, as the obesity epidemic continues on. Type II diabetes, in many cases is caused by, and exacerbated by excess weight.

Internal medicine jobs are available in many hospitals and they are especially prevalent in teaching and university hospitals. The internist can enjoy the continuity of caring for long term patients in their private practices and have the stimulation of working and consulting on patients in the hospital setting. Internal medicine jobs are available in all fifty states and abroad, and a good healthcare staffing agency can provide the resources that the job seeking internist needs to connect with career opportunities.

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To learn more about careers in Internal Medicine, visit the Internal Medicine Jobs page for more information and how to apply for a job...