Have you ever wondered if teenage addiction to alcohol and drugs equal to bad habit? Yes, it is a bad habit that is not only endangering their physical health but also their mental health. Nations are losing man power as a result of illness and death related to alcohol and hard drug addictions. I'm requesting you to do your own research and find the effects of cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug addictions.

Take for instance the bad habits of smoking, people who engage in this activity feel quite persecuted. At the moment, the practice is not illegal but the society as a whole has made efforts to ban cigarette smoking in public places. They have decided to seriously campaign against those who have the habit of smoking in public places.

Not that long ago teenagers and adults could smoke just about everywhere not considering how they're affecting those around them. There were instances even men would light up cigarettes in the waiting room while their wives were in maternity wards giving birth. However, this has changed and they could only smoke in specific areas allocated for smoking. These days we have free smoke zones and smoking zones.

Today you'll find some bars, restaurants, motels and even offices that are completely smoke free. This has forced some teenagers and adults who are addicted to smoking to give up smoking. They no longer want to get back to the habit since it did harm them.

To protect nonsmokers from the health risks of secondhand smoke, many people who smoke have started using smokeless tobacco products. Even though there is no smoke involved (the release of smoke), the nicotine in the smokeless tobacco products are still highly addictive and harmful to the health of smokers.

Do you know that sleeping pills can be addictive? Over a time, some teenagers and adults become so addicted in that they need more and more of the sleeping drugs in order to fall asleep. After taking them for many days, the sleeping pills will not help them to fall asleep and as a result of this they start taking an overdose. This type of teenage addiction usually requires the help of a doctor to fix the problem.

Drinking alcohol excessively is another habit that leads teenagers to be addicted. If they're medically or physically impaired, it can be extremely risky for them to consume alcohol. Certain medications do not mix well with alcohol and can lead to serious health problems and even death. If teenagers are addicted to alcohol, warnings from doctors may end up falling on deaf ears.

Teenage addiction to drugs is very dangerous. The number of hard drugs available at any given moment are too numerous to even count. Each drug will have differing effects to teenagers who consume them. They devastate their physical and mental health. Some of the hard drugs consumed by teenagers are not as harmful in the short term period compared to long run. Overall, they're still harmful for consumption.

There are also recreational drugs (club drugs) such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and other hallucinogens that are consumed by teenagers to alter their moods. The effects of these so-called club drugs are nasty as they affect teenagers psychologically. On the other hand, some teenagers find themselves addicted to prescription remedies for common ailments. Drugs such as muscle relaxants and painkillers can be addictive.

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I'm revealing to you eleven remarkable ways to achieve authentic happiness without having to alter your mood.

The author of this article is Joshua Nyamache and together with other team members they are working on Nikenya website, a website that you connect with friends and family.