The home loans are designed in such a manner that they would never let you miss the opportunity of owning your dream home.  Paying the entire amount to buy a home becomes a burden at times and almost impossible to purchase high-value properties, especially in the metropolitan cities by paying upfront. However, opting for a home loan may appear to be a very complicated procedure. There are several factors that are highly associated with home loans that you should necessarily know before you apply for a home loan. 

Things To Know Before You Apply for A Home Loan: 

  1. The Factors That Are Likely to Affect Your Eligibility Criteria of Receiving a Home Loan –

    The best possible way of calculating the home loan eligibility is calculating the possible EMI that you need to pay. Generally, the banks limit the amount of the monthly EMI to be 40% to 50% of the applicant’s monthly income. The income consists of the applicant’s basic salary & the dearness allowance taken together. The banks also check your credit history thoroughly. So, if you already have an existing loan and if you are paying your EMIs on time, then the bank may not approve your home loan. Also, if you have a very poor credit score for other reasons, then your home loan may be rejected. Those people who have strong repayment capability, stable income and a great credit score can find it very easy to get a home loan approved. Also, if you add a co-applicant, your chances of getting a home loan would be higher as lenders will approve your loan based on the eligibility of both applicants. 

  2. Understanding The Types of The Home Loan –

    The banks and financial institutions usually offer two types of interest rates on home loans – a floating interest rate and a fixed interest rate. A floating interest rate varies as per the conditions of the market and may lead to a fluctuation in the EMI in the long run during the repayment tenure of your home loan. On the other hand, in the case of a fixed interest rate home loan, a borrower requires to pay the same amount of EMI throughout the repayment tenure.  So, if you have any confusion regarding such loan applications then you can discuss your needs with a broker to get it clarified. 

  1. The Rate of Interest –

    No matter whichever type of home loan that you choose, you should always make it a point to negotiate on the interest rate that has been offered to you by the bank. Though the banks would always enjoy an edge, you should make it a point to haggle on it, especially in those cases when you are an existing customer of the same bank for a long time. The negotiation would become a lot easier in case you have a clear credit history. Also, you may enjoy a lot of benefits in case you apply for a home loan towards the end of a month. As the banks usually have vast business targets, they can end up being more flexible during the month closing time. 

  2. Going Through the Loan Document Thoroughly to Avoid Troubles In The Future –

    A home loan agreement is a legal document with mentions of all the necessary details of the home loan. You should carefully read all the terms like the home loan processing fee, hidden clauses, penalty charges, prepayment penalty, service charges etc. Any kind of negligence would lead to a problem in future. 


Keeping this checklist handy before opting for a home loan would help you in getting a seamless experience and make the entire process much easier for you. 

Author's Bio: 

Layla Flinn is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. She writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. She thinks all these topics fall under the self-improvement category. She believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.