Losing weight today in this society is one of the hardest things you are ever going to try and accomplish, especially given all the choices of dietary plans, weight loss pills, quick weight loss remedies, nutrition recommendations, let alone food sources and fast food markets that are throwing billions of dollars into advertising to prevent us from losing weight. It is incredibly important that you look for a plan and program that has been proven and tested and can get you the results in a safe, cost-effective manner. There are five important questions you are going to have to ask regarding the weight loss practitioner and the program that they advocate in order to determine if this is something that can fit your lifestyle and your budget, as well as provide you the needed results that you deserve.

Question #1: How long have you been practicing these procedures?

This is very important. Although most doctors undergo extensive training, some feel a weekend course is enough to do any procedure, or program. Some feel their formal training is enough.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Science, medicine, and nutritional skills keep advancing. This means the techniques and methods constantly change. Ongoing training is necessary to keep ones skills and knowledge up to date.

Question #2: What methods do you use?

Most good doctors learn their skills in a many different ways. They take the best of the masters and refine what they’ve learned to make their own procedures and methods.

Knowing who and what method they use gives you a good indication of how interested they are in perfecting their patient results and safety for patients.

Question #3: How do you safeguard against complications?

The word that strikes fear in any competent doctor is complications. How your doctor deals with this question is therefore very important. If he casually sweeps it aside saying, for example, “Complications don’t happen in my hands,” I would suggest you seek help elsewhere. Complications happen even in the best hands of the best doctors.

Here’s how I would answer this question, “Although I don’t like to think of these things occurring, I would be dishonest if I stated they never occur. Fortunately, they occur very rarely. I safeguard against them by meticulous concentration on patient details, proper examinations, lab work, and other testing before, during, as well as patient follow up after any procedure.”

Question #4: How will you take care of me during the process?

Successfully dropping pounds is not enough. A good doctor knows that the type of weight loss is the most important. A good program knows what they do initially, during and at the end of the program ensures greater successful outcomes for patients. Any good program should have a beginning, middle and end, and is based on sound medical and scientific facts, is results driven and has patient testimonials.

Personally, I or my staff calls or emails every person the first 3 day after beginning their program. Weekly monitoring is also highly effective, where Body Fat %, BMI and measurements are taken and a review of patient’s compliance and weekly results are documented. If anything is wrong we ask them to drop in for a check up.

Question #5: What is your price?

I mention this for a very important reason – the least important consideration you should have is the price. The skill and professional attitude of your doctor is far more important.

I would caution one thing about price and that is the cheapest price is not always the best. If something is offered cheaply, sometimes corners must be cut in order to offer this service. Most confident doctors will design a weight loss program individually for a patient’s specific medical needs and offer some money back guarantees for serious patients interested in their method and program.

Bonus Question #6 is:
Where do you offer your program/procedures?

Most doctors who do these types of programs monitor patients in a qualified setting. However, a doctor who really tries to do the best for his patients does it in his own facility – approved by the regulatory body in his area.

Also, he owns his own equipment, pays licensing fees, and uses the program on himself and his staff – he doesn’t just preach it but talks it and walks it! Why is this important? If a doctor cares enough to personally use and follow what he advocates, he knows the benefits and will care more about you.

Most fad diets simply do not work and are dangerous, and just using exercise and eating a balanced diet will not work, either. In fact a recent study showed you to gain half a pound per week with this approach.

If you have excess fat in your body, you need to specifically target that area through nutrition, specific exercises, and other cosmetic non-surgical procedures in order to stimulate your body’s metabolism and physiological process to burn problem fat areas in a safe, fast, and healthy way. It is important that this is a life long approach and you look for the long haul and not for the short term in order to get those results you desire.

New Body Medical
Dr Dirk Kancilia
16980 Via Tazon #100
San Diego, Ca 92127

Author's Bio: 

Dirk Kancilia, a Doctor of Chiropractic has a diversified educational background, which includes BS in Human Biology from Pasadena College of Chiropractic, Doctor of Medicine Degree awarded to him at UFEHC*, recognized WHO educational institution and is a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification & Accreditation Board Inc, committee on Naturopathic Medical Education, Washington, District of Columbia*. He has a diverse professional, education and collegiate sports background. When not in the office treating his patients he enjoys exercise, sports, nutrition, travel, history, languages, art, museums, and spending time with his family. http://newbodymedical.co