You know you need zero title to show up at leadership - both within your work and at your home. I've been in the trenches - developing Leaders Without Titles within organizations - for nearly 15 years. Here are some of the personal habits I've seen the best of the best model:

1. They ask brilliant questions.

2. They are fit like athletes (as I mentioned on Twitter the other day "Your #1 business asset is your health".)

3. They are direct/clear/authentic communicators

4. They read (The best leaders have the biggest libraries! Read to Win).

5. They keep journals to record good ideas, lessons learned and dreams to be executed on.

6. The run their own race. Leadership isn't about following the mob and being like everyone else. That's followership.

7. They are ethical - maintaining pristine reputations.

8. They lead where they are planted, deeply understanding that leadership is a way of behaving versus a title on a business card.

P.S. I haven't been blogging at my usual pace. I spent months and months speaking/writing the new book/coaching my Masters Series Clients/recording Monthly Coach videos/doing media etc. I needed to refill the well. Thank you for your patience, kind understanding and ongoing support of my work.

PP.S. Follow me on Twitter.

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