Tulsi is a sacred herb and traditional indigenous medicine. The plant is grown and carved with a precise attention, which acts as a tea, a shrub sacred element in medicine, as well as an offering to Lord Vishnu in the Hindu tradition. For an herb that is considered sacred must be proven to offer a lot of drugs, as well as spiritual benefits. Tulsi plant is considered a manifestation of Goddess Radha and considered the queen of herbs. The tea is being infused with the leaves and flowers of the basil plant tulsi. From about 5000 BC, this area has been the drink of choice in India.

Tulsi tea has at least six health benefits that cover a broad spectrum.

1. Reduces levels of cortisol due to its powerful anti-stress properties. This causes a calming effect and helps reduce stress levels.
2. The dried leaves help relieve flatulence and feelings of fullness.
3. The amount and strength of tea may be increased to speed recovery in cases of the disease.
4. Full of antioxidants. The antioxidants help promote a healthy heart, improve memory, improve vision, strengthen the immune system.
5. The tea can also relieve joint inflammation and arthritis.
6. By neutralizing free radicals that damage cells and tissues, tulsi protects the human body of disease.

Although Tulsi tea is consumed regularly by many Eastern cultures for centuries, is gaining popularity in the West. A cup of tea is beneficial, but can be enjoyed from morning to night.

If you grow enough basil in the garden, you can have enough to make your own pesto when you need it. Pesto can be expensive in supermarkets. But if growing your own and learn a good recipe, you can have pesto any time for cheap!

The benefits go far beyond basil to add flavor to your food. It has incredible health benefits that do not want to miss!

Here six benefits of basil to help your good health:

1 - Help with nausea and dizziness
2 - Help the body digest food easier
3 - Loaded with folic acid, potassium, iron and calcium
4 - Basil tea is good for the respiratory system and throat infections.
5 - Anti-inflammatory, which is a boon for people suffering from arthritis
6 - Great for bronchitis, asthma, flu, fever and common cold

I know you'll enjoy the amazing benefits of basil as much as me!

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