Things To Know About a Smile Makeover: Treatments And Cost
autherBy Elite Dental Group

The process of a smile makeover can be identified as improving the appearance of the smile with the help of one or more cosmetic procedures of dentistry. There can be various reasons for which smile makeover can be done and customized according to the considerations of a person. One of the aspects of a smile makeover is that the process isn’t particularly done on the basis of smile design that is desired by a person, but it is also based on the facial appearance, complexion, shape of lips and their color, gum tissue, and its color, and even color of the hair.

Smile Makeover Treatment

The treatment of smile makeover will initiate by treating the existing problems of teeth like bad breath and inflammation of the gums, gum disease which leads to bleeding gums, untreated tooth decay or teeth grinding that may lead to pain in the jaw and structurally damage the teeth. There might be a requirement of a smile makeover for various reasons like fixing the gaps between the teeth, discolored teeth, chipped off teeth, misaligned teeth, etc. Porcelain veneers prove to be one of the common treatment options that are used for the case of smile makeover treatment. They are custom made and their production can be done in either a dentist’s office or off-site using digital images.

Before a veneer is connected to the teeth, the oral practitioner takes help from an acid solution to clean the teeth nicely. Smile makeover with the help of porcelain veneers can be productive in reshaping the uneven and worn-out teeth, fill tiny gaps between the teeth and deliver a white look of the teeth. One more option that can take place in the case of a smile makeover is tooth whitening. This kind of process includes the removal of stains caused due to various activities like smoking, intake of caffeine, tea, or alcohol on the teeth by taking help from the bleach. When the process is done, a person gets a spark in their teeth and they look brighter as compared to the previous state. The process of tooth whitening proves to be rapid and convenient and there are chances of causing a tiny discomfort to the patient.

The next thing we will talk about is bonding. Its appearance can be seen in various shades of the teeth and your dentist will be the person to match the precise color that suits the existing teeth. Dental bonding contains an application of dental resin on the teeth. When bonding is applied to a person, it gets hardened and a natural shine is delivered with the help of polish.

Cost of a Smile Makeover

To tell you the exact cost that can be expected in the procedure of smile makeover, it becomes a bit tricky. It is because the overall cost can vary from place to place and according to the experience of the dental professional. Along with that, the cost may also vary depending on the treatment option recommended to the patient. In order to know the overall expenses of a smile makeover procedure, you can ask your dentist.

If someone faces a condition of cracked and chipped teeth, they can consider the option of a smile makeover that will assist them in mask imperfections and damage. There can be a usage of dental bonding if a person contains minor issues with chips and cracks. It will involve the usage of a tooth-colored composite resin painted onto the teeth. Even it has been said that the process of a smile makeover is ideal for conditions like tooth discoloration and stains. With the help of teeth whitening procedure, bleaching will be done on the stained tooth so that its structure of tooth will deliver a look of bright and white. If the dentist suspects the serious issue of tooth discoloration that doesn’t react to whitening practices, help might be taken from dental bonding or porcelain veneers. When someone faces a condition of missing or multiple teeth, it can be unpleasant. But if someone takes help from the options of cosmetic dentistry, their gaps in the teeth can be filled. To know more advantages and information regarding the process of a smile makeover, you can consult your queries with a dental professional as he will try to deliver you related information.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Andre Eliasian is an award-winning Dental Professional, an active community volunteer, and owner of Elite Dental Group Corporation. Dr. Eliasian has a Doctorate in Dental Surgery and has a reputation helping his patients achieve “the perfect smile” by restoring missing and damaged teeth using the latest in Dental Implant technology – the best choice for a natural smile.