Periodically it can be most beneficial to stop and ask yourself how “happy” or “content” are you with your life. You are really the only person who truly knows. Not only are you the only one who knows but you are the only one who is responsible and can actually choose happiness and purpose for yourself. So how does one discover the things that will give them purpose and bring them happiness?

The following questions may help you find the answers you need:

1) Is my life defined by others? This can be a very tough question to face up to. But, if you want to be the best you can be you must look inside and honestly answer this question. You can never be all that you are designed to be if you’re always using someone else and their successes as a way of measuring up. You are unique and no one else can give the world what you can. Does something need to change in your life that may be undesirable? Then change it for you. Don’t worry about what anyone else might think. Are you compromising in areas of your life that are hurting you? Set boundaries for your own behavior and for those around you. Do it firmly and without pointing fingers. Use statements such as “I feel angry when I am told what to do and when to do it. Please don’t tell me, ask me instead”. This may offend some people at first but the best people in your life will respect you for setting boundaries and you will find yourself happy and confident about the person you are becoming.

2) Have I set specific reasonable goals for my future? Make a list of what you need and what you want. Then develop a specific plan to meet each need and to achieve each want using appropriate boundaries and reasonable expectations.

3) In what ways will I think more positive and rid myself of negativity? “Change your thinking and you will change your life” has been quoted many times and is great wisdom. Attitude is everything and when you change the way you think about your experiences, your life will change. Look at every setback or disappointment, not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for you to grow and see the world in a new way. As your attitude about your life changes you will find yourself being released from sadness, emotional turmoil and disappointment.

Always try to remember that everyone suffers loss and disappointment of some kind. However, every day is new and offers fresh opportunities for choices that will bring you the happiness that you so desire. Be thankful for each new day and expect the best!

Author's Bio: 

Becky Yancey is a licensed clinical social worker and a clinically certified forensic counselor. She has worked in the mental health field since 1993. She has worked extensively with children, teens, families, couples, individuals, and employee assistance programs. She has also developed state wide programs for juveniles, has presented at many workshops throughout the Regional Northwest, and trained other mental health professionals. Becky has authored and published a children’s book and numerous self help articles. She has also founded and owns a website to encourage and inspire others;