There are various manifestations of the condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder. This may include neck pain, ear pain and tinnitus. In general, half of the population who suffers from tinnitus also have TMJ and vice versa. This is because tinnitus and TMJ can both be a symptom of each other. This condition can be hard to diagnose and this is because hearing loss is not the primary cause of the problem but jaw misalignment is. However, once the condition is diagnosed, then you can easily find a treatment for both conditions.

TMJ is a condition where the jaw moves out of place and this can sometimes cause hearing loss. Basically, the joint can be found right in front of the ears and this allows us to speak, smile and chew. Tinnitus and TMJ patients usually have a hard time sleeping or they may not be able to sleep at all. TMJ symptoms may include sinus headaches, migraine headaches, popping of the jaw joint, tingling fingers, lower back pain, stiff shoulders and necks.

On the other hand, those who suffer from this jaw disorder can experience having tinnitus as a side effect. Finding a treatment for this can also help you treat tinnitus. The cure for temporomandibular joint disorder can also help reduce the ringing sounds in your ears, treat depression, help you sleep and relieve the pain. You will also be required to go through various diagnostic tests before any type of treatment is applied and you have to realize that the treatment may vary from one person to another and this may depend on the diagnosis.

You might be required to go through chiropractic manipulation as well for the muscles in your jaw for at least two to three weeks while undergoing treatment. The treatment can offer you pain relief, reduced ringing in the ear, proper sleep and relaxed muscles. One treatment option that you can go for is cranial osteopathy that makes use of gentle structural adjustment along with other procedures to relieve headache, vertigo, facial pain, infection and of course, tinnitus.

There are some cases of tinnitus and TMJ that may also require surgery. This is helpful when trying to correct an abnormality that was overlooked. However, professional medical practitioners believe that this should be the last resort when dealing with temporomandibular joint disorder. Remember that when it comes to this condition, proper diagnosis is necessary in order to find the right and most suitable treatment for you.

Author's Bio: 

Anthony is a tinnitus expert and co-creator of the new tinnitus info based website: Natural Tinnitus Relief. Including lots more info on how to tinnitus and TMJ.