Once considered the drink of drop-outs and hippies, confined to earthy-smelling health food shops and co-ops, the juice revolution has swept the nation. Now available at such trendy places as Jamba Juice and even sold in pedestrian grocery stores, the fresh vegetable and fruit juice movement is now a common part of American life. Read on for tips to learn how to be a part of this healthy revolution.

Are you diabetic? Juicing can still be for you! You can juice so many different items that you'll always be able to have a selection that does not contain too many carbohydrates or a large dose of sugar. You can also include milk or yogurt in your drink to up your dairy intake.

Let color be your guide for variety. You will want to keep your juicing varied so as to not get bored with it. Incorporate a variety of colors in your fruits and vegetables as a sort of juicing palette from which to create. Just remember to know the nutrient content from each source and enjoy the rainbow.

To improve your general health quickly and easily, drink green juices. These are fresh juices made from leafy green vegetables. To improve the flavor and add a variety of nutrients, include such fruits and oranges and bananas. These juices are quick to make, taste great, and will give you energy that lasts for hours.

While you can keep the skin on fruit like apples or pears when you juice, some fruit actually have toxic skin. For example, citrus zest is fine for you, but the white part is bitter for a reason! Mango and papaya also have skin which is toxic to humans, so don't include that in your juice.

Keep your juicing regime simple. If you make it too complicated you'll be less likely to stick with it. Instead of using elaborate juicing recipes with several different types of produce, just stick with 2 or 3 vegetables. Apples blend nicely with many different vegetables and lend a bit of sweetness too.

When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is the fact that certain juicers can be extremely loud. This is important to consider if you make your juice at odd times or if you live in apartment style housing. Be sure to read reviews to see which juicers are quieter.

Incorporate spices into your juicing. There are a variety of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, garlic, ginger and others, that can can boost the flavor output of your juices. If you have flavors you want to experiment with, look for recipes online or you can look for spices that work well with fruits or vegetables. Be sure to check their health and nutrition values.

If your fruits and vegetables are organic, go ahead and juice the peels as well. The skins of produce are loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients, so peeling them will remove a lot of the nutritional content. The only exception is citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits, where the rinds are not very digestible.

To get the most out of your juices, it's best to drink them before you eat when your stomach is empty. Your digestive system will be able to absorb more of the nutrients in the juice if it's mostly empty. You will also feel fuller after drinking the juice, so you will eat less when you do have a meal.

Certain juices are very potent, so contact your pediatrician before giving any juice to a small child. Some fruits can cause diarrhea in large doses, for example, so while they just keep you regular they could instead keep your child regularly in the bathroom! If you can't get to the doctor any time soon, stick to juice that is typically sold with kids in mind, like apple and orange.

When you're creating juices for healthy benefits, you should use at least half or two-thirds dark green vegetables, like kale, chard, broccoli, or parsley. Also use herbs juices including mint, rosemary, and basil. Look for dessert recipes online to see great fruit and herb combinations you might like!

In regards to juicing, you can simply drink the juice by itself or you can us the juice in either a frozen beverage or smoothie. This will help you to mix it up and keep things interesting and tasty.

There are many spices available that help boost your metabolism and get your body burning fat, so include powders like chili and cumin in your juice if you're looking for weight loss or maintenance. You can also juice garlic and onions as they help your body battle the fat too!

Ready to juice - don't for the sugar cane! Juice from sugar cane can help with building a healthy immune system, in addition to, soothing the stomach. Although sugar cane is not a typical item that most people choose to buy, it is a good one to juice!

Getting older is a fact of life. It is also one that we try to deny and cover up. Don't let yourself get stuck in an era that was considered your prime. Holding on to clothing and make up styles from a particular decade, won't keep you that age indefinitely. It just makes you look desperate.

Switch out your coffee or other stimulant beverage for a fresh glass of juice. The high levels of vitamins and minerals in the juice will give you that boost that you are needing but also provide a longer lasting effect, no crash later and lots of other good for you ingredients as well.

The juicing movement is on the rise but it hasn't come far enough. The undeniable benefits of the raw juice of fruit and vegetables are essential to improving the overall health of the American public. With the increase of home juicers and the information coming out from National Cancer Institute's about the benefits to long-term health from fruit and vegetables we will start to see more people join the juicing movement.

Author's Bio: 

Blogger shooting for the stars. Full time construction worker by day blogging nights and weekends.