Referring to Phu Quoc island, people always think about a wild tropical island with beautiful beaches and a relaxed atmosphere, but do you know when the best time here is?
Phu Quoc beaches in four seasons are beautiful, but not always attractive. To explore all the rich and diverse nature of Phu Quoc, which are clear, serene beaches, wild islands, mysterious forests, and majestic waterfall, tourists should know the right time and destinations here. Read until the end to experience the beauty of each spot in its most ideal time.

Phu Quoc weather

Phu Quoc is the largest and most famous island of Vietnam with thousands of tourists visiting each year. Located near the equator, in the Gulf of Thailand, the tropical monsoon island of Phu Quoc has many different climate features.
The climate here is divided into two distinct seasons: rainy and dry seasons. Because it is the gateway to the Western - Southwest monsoon, in the rainy season, the humidity in the island is very high (from 85 to 90%).
In contrast, in the dry season, the island is affected by the Northeast monsoon so that the temperature will increase, especially in April and May.

Best season to travel to Phu Quoc

Peak season

According to our experience of Phu Quoc traveling, the best time to go to Pearl island is the dry season, from the end of October until March of the following year. Also, it can last until May if the weather in Phu Quoc is favorable.
Why should you choose these months?
At this time, the weather in Phu Quoc is less rainy, and the waves are quieter and more refreshing, very appropriate for traveling and relaxation.
As a result, it is also the peak season attracting many visitors to Phu Quoc. If you travel at this time, let’s find out and book your room in advance to avoid the inconvenient conditions of being out of the accommodation and price increase.

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Ham Ninh fishing village

Low season

The remaining months from the end of April to the beginning of October, the number of tourists decreases because this is the rainy season in Phu Quoc. Sometimes, some storms hinder many fun activities of tourists. Therefore, room price and services here are sharply reduced.
If traveling this time, you should go during season changes which is the beginning of April or the end of October. The rainfall is not very high, so you can still see the beautiful scenery and the price is comfortable, helping you get a great trip that saves a lot of money.

Attractions in Phu Quoc

Mong Tay island

Mong Tay island is one of the islands with the most romantic and poetic beauty in Phu Quoc.
With crystal blue beaches like pearls, pure white sand, and shady coconut palms, Mong Tay island attracts many tourists to visit and relax. The sea water is so clear that you can see the coral reef below with vivid shapes and colors.
Coming here, you will be immersed in nature and be a part of it. This place is suitable for those who like to explore and go picnic with relatives. You can prepare tents and food to set up camp overnight on the beach, fire up and sing all night.

The beauty of Tranh stream

Ham Ninh fishing village

Hidden in heaven and earth in Phu Quoc is the simple life of the people in Ham Ninh and the familiar images of the village, where on the sunny yard is the net, the basket, etc. On the steps is an old man sitting in contemplation, watching the young children play. In the aroma kitchen is the food of the sea, etc.

In here, visitors will be able to participate and watch the coral under the clear water, catch pearls, sea cucumbers or fish by fishnets, and be immersed in the honest, simple life of people along the fishing village. Ham Ninh is a peaceful beauty of Phu Quoc.

Tranh stream

The best time to enjoy the beauty of Tranh stream is the rainy season that there is a large amount of water here. Tranh stream originates from Ham Ninh mountain, so when the water flows over the rocks, it forms many beautiful small floors of the waterfall.

Most tourists come here to camp and look for moments of relaxation. Surrounded by trees, the air here is incredibly fresh. Space in Tranh stream is quiet enough for you to listen to birds singing and cicadas screaming in the summer.

Sao beach

The sand in Sao beach has a very characteristic color. It is not yellow like Nha Trang beach, nor dark yellow like Vung Tau one but smoothy white like ice cream. Sao beach lies between two mountains, so the climate is very fresh, suitable for a great summer vacation.

Sao beach of Phu Quoc

Sao Beach is most beautiful from June to October. The sea here is green with few restaurants and shops, offering tourists with a peaceful space. The sea breeze is gentle, and the sun is not too harsh. Lying on the hammock under the coconut shade will make everyone feel lost in the real paradise in the world.

With comfortable weather, Phu Quoc inevitably brings travelers an enjoyable and memorable experience in nature. For the full exploration here, you should have Phu Quoc tours 3 days 2 nights Phu Quoc tours 3 days 2 nights that you will have a chance to see the most popular sites and take part in exciting activities on the island. If the article is useful for your trip, don’t hesitate to like and share with others. Thank you.

Author's Bio: 

Hoàng Mai Trang is an author and likes to share travel related article. You can follow her on twitter.