Cheating is the ultimate betrayal of trust, and it can be devastating if you are still fully committed to your relationship. Although infidelity is sometimes obvious, in many cases it comes as a complete surprise, leaving you feeling heartbroken and confused. Cheaters rarely admit their faults, so it's up to you to know when to be concerned. Learn the signs that might mean he's cheating, and protect yourself from the emotional damage that can be inflicted when your relationship goes awry.

1. You know that he has been unfaithful to ex girlfriends in the past.
Once a cheater, always a cheater may be an old saying, but it unfortunately holds true in many cases. Men that have cheated on their girlfriends in the past are more likely to do it again.

2. Your Man is distant and unresponsive.
When people cheat, they tend to turn away from their current partners sometimes out of guilt and sometimes because they are focused on their new partner. If there's no explanation for why he isn't as attentive as he used to be, it's a strong signal that your emotional bond is broken, and he is no longer committed to your relationship.

3. He becomes irate and angry whenever you question him about the sudden changes in your relationship.
When cheaters feel as if their partners are onto them, they often try to make them feel as if their concerns are unfounded. If your partner acts irrational and annoyed every time you ask him about his strange new behavior, it's a sign that he is hiding something from you and hopes that he can intimidate you into dropping the subject.

4. Strange cell phone behavior.
If he's always been open about the people who call and text him but now refuses to tell you who he's communicating with, he could be cheating. Getting calls in the middle of the night, constantly texting someone or never leaving his cell phone out in the open are all signs that he might be seeing someone else behind your back.

5. He lies frequently.
Lying is not always necessarily a sign that he is cheating, but if you constantly catch him not telling the truth, it's a sign that he doesn't respect you and isn't worth your time. It also means that even if he isn't cheating yet, he'll have no problem doing it in the future since he doesn't value your relationship enough to be honest.

6. Your sex life has gone downhill.
If your previously healthy sex life drastically disappears, he can be having sex with someone else.

7. He talks about another woman a lot.
If he's all of a sudden talking about a new female friend that he's met recently, he might be cheating on you. Sometimes people can't contain their feelings about someone new, even if you happen to still be dating them. Even if he insists that she's just a friend, question why he can't stop talking about her.

8. He never feels guilty when you argue.
Men who are narcissistic and never feel like they can do something wrong often feel the same way about cheating.

9. He doesn't want to spend time with you
Not spending as much time with each other is normal after you've been together for a long time, but when he suddenly pulls away, it means that you no longer hold his attention. If it seems like he hardly has any time for you when before he had plenty, he might be spending it with someone else.

10. Your intuition tells you he's being unfaithful.
You don't always need concrete evidence that he's cheating on you. If you can't put your finger on it, but you know that something is terribly wrong, don't dismiss your feelings.

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So how to tell if your boyfriends cheating? Please visit our website and take Cheating Boyfriend Test to find out. All our Love Quizzes and other Online Quizzes and Tests are free a very accurate.