Pollution of our rivers, lakes, and oceans is on the rise and we may be slowly but surely damaging our health with polluted drinking water.

“The twentieth century brought miraculous changes in technology and industry,” says Dr. David Root, M.D., in his introduction to the book Clear Body Clear Mind, by best-selling author L. Ron Hubbard. “Our environment--our bodies--began to react to something new in man’s history: a continuous assault of man-made drugs, toxins and radiation.”

No matter how carefully we watch what we drink, we may already have industrial chemicals, pesticides and other dangerous toxins lodged in our bodies. Toxins like DDT, PCBs, dioxin, and mercury can get into the water we drink--and unfortunately the fish and other animals we eat may have been exposed to these toxins too.

L. Ron Hubbard found that toxins and drugs get stored in the fatty tissues of the body in 1977 when he did research into drug flashbacks and the long-term effects of exposure to drugs. He found that the accumulation of drugs and toxins in the fat tissue can reduce awareness, dull the senses, lead to foggy thinking and may cause serious physical distress. Subsequent scientific studies have confirmed his findings.

Knowing that toxins could have such a harmful affect on health and well-being, Hubbard did not stop at his first discovery--he also developed and released the “Purification program” to safely reduce or eliminate the toxic chemicals stored in the body. He detailed this program in the book Clear Body Clear Mind.

Papers documenting the safety and value of Mr. Hubbard's program have been published in journals by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, the American Public Health Association and the Society for Occupational and Environmental Health.

The book Clear Body Clear Mind, while it makes no medical claims and results may vary from person to person, includes many case studies of people who had serious problems stemming from toxins trapped in their body fat, and their stories of relief from doing the program.

One woman who worked in an electronics manufacturing plant, complained to her physician that she was experiencing tiredness, skin problems and a general feeling of "feeling terrible all the time." After several interviews with medical experts, an occupational health specialist suggested she undergo L. Ron Hubbard's program under his care. She decided to do so.

Four days into the program she reported “black junk” coming out of her pores that resembled water she used to clean the filters at work. This black oily substance came out on her arms, neck and face. After completing the program she felt she had increased energy, increased eyesight, and a general improvement in her feeling of well-being.

In a time where people are consuming more water than ever--both through drinking it and using it to bathe, cook and clean--it is important to know how to reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body that this heightened water use can bring. For more information on the Purification program visit www.clearbodyclearmind.com.

Author's Bio: 

Louis Steiner is a freelance author in the field of health.