A three day split weight training routine is one of the most effective workout styles. Each day is designed to focus on a specific muscle group which highly stresses that muscle resulting in more muscle growth. Each muscle group is targeted once a week and has more than enough time to regenerate. I have designed below one of the most basic yet effective three day split weight training routine that will help anyone to gain some muscle mass.

For all workouts mentioned below, start with at least three sets of 10 for all workouts with any weight that you can lift comfortably for the duration of the cycle. It is important to either increase the weight every week or increase the number of reps you do to fool your muscle of the variation of your weight training.

The first day is designed to focus on your chest and biceps. Start with the Flat Bench Barbell Press and follow that with some Dips. These will target mostly your chest, forearms, biceps and your triceps. A compound exercise like the Bench Press is sometimes more than enough for your upper body as it targets a lot of muscle groups. However doing some dips give your muscles some extra surface area as it targets the outer chest and triceps. Follow this with some EZ Bar Curls and Concentration Curls.

Doing your Bench Press first below the isolation exercises allows you to do more with it. If you start with some Bicep Curls first, upon doing your Bench Press, your biceps would fatigued and you wouldn’t do as much repetitions and sets with the Bench Press. Our first day is centered on the Bench Press and make sure to make it your priority.

Day two will be your rest day.

For day three, we will be focusing no your legs and shoulders. Since these two target very different muscle groups, order of the exercises is not as important as day one. For your legs you can do some Squats and then some Stiff Leg Deadlifts. These two exercises are also compound exercises targeting several muscle groups just like the Bench Press. For the shoulders, some simple Shoulder Shrugs and Barbell Military Press will do.

Day four will be another rest day.

Your final day will focus on your back and triceps. I highly recommend doing pull ups for your back as this greatly shapes your back muscles, targeting other muscle groups as well like your chest and biceps. You can do some dumbbell rows for extra stress but it is not entirely necessary. For your triceps, Close Grip Bench Press and some Lying Tricep Extension will workout your triceps pretty well.

There you go, try this weight training routine for about 4 months you will surely see some gains. Remember to switch after 4 months so your muscles will not get used to your workout and risk reaching a plateau.

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Check out some other articles I have written about weight training routine

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