Think of the most effective and most satisfying interaction you’ve had with a brand, as a customer. What struck you as the most striking quality in that customer service agent? Was it their smile, or gentle tone, or approachability or how they patiently listened to you while you ranted?

Or think of the most negative interaction you’ve had with a brand. What do you wish they’d done better?
Call centre outsourcing services providers or inbound call centre services providers hire agents based on certain skills.
Here’s a list of a few essential skills good customer service agents possess:

Communication Skills
Good conversationalists and good communicators make for excellent customer service agents. They know what a conversation is a two-way process. Clear, concise exchanges allow the conversation to be focused and crisp. Mumbling or speaking too fast can also affect clarity.
Right attitude

A positive attitude goes a long way in problem-solving. It makes the agent sound approachable. Agents must exercise empathy and patience when attending to customers. Keeping your cool is part of good customer service. It doesn’t matter if you are being shouted at. You will be able to solve the problem in a calmer frame of mind. It will help in turning the interaction into a positive one.

Desire to learn
Customer service agents must have an in-depth knowledge of your products and services. This will arm them with the necessary information to start with. New systems and technology must be utilized to smoothen the customer experience. The agents must be able to adapt to the change by learning. Agents also learn from each interaction. Every caller is different. And so every interaction is different. Each call is an opportunity to learn and improve communication skills.

Listening skills
Inbound call centre services or call centre outsourcing services is an important weapon in the customer service agent’s arsenal. Customers want to be heard. They want to be understood. They want to make sure you got all their information right. And irate customers want to vent. To truly understand what the customer is trying to communicate, the agent needs to listen attentively. Customers feel valued when you pay attention to them.

Your service agents must be able to speak confidently and stay positive. Knowledge of your products and services, training to update them with the current systems and processes and understanding of the company policies regarding customer service go a long way in building their confidence. Phykon is always for you regarding inbound call centre services and call centre outsourcing services.

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Improved Customer Experience

• Up to 30% Revenue Increase • Up to 50% Cost Reduction

With a full range of reliable customer services to support your business

It is quite tough to build a business. But what’s even tougher is serving & retaining existing customers.

As an entrepreneur, are you stuck at the crossroads of choosing between growing your business and offering good customer services? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. As a business based in Sydney, Australia, Phykon takes pride in helping local businesses flourish.

And how do we do that? By enabling them to offer excellent customer service 24/7, using a fully trained team of experts to offer outbound and inbound call centre services and call centre outsourcing services.

Our multi-channel AI-enabled contact centre delivers reliable & cost-effective customer support of a global standard. This means you can halve your costs and increase profits, with 100% scalable & secure services!

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