Houston is hot & it might take a while before you start to notice that your air filter is missing. In the short term, your air conditioner might actually work a little better, depending on the type of air filter you use. High filtration air filters sometimes do more harm than good. Too much air filtration can be bad for your central home ac system. Excessive filtration is a rare situation, so it's seldom talked about. Too much air filtration can cause your air conditioner to freeze. Freezing-up occurs when the required amount of airflow & heat is not achieved in your cooling coil. When you remove your air filters, you'll notice more air pressure coming out of your air vents. If you leave your HVAC system without air filters, your system becomes dirty. A dirty air conditioning unit increases your utility bill & puts more stress on your unit to operate. Running your equipment with excessive dust can also cause permanent damage to your compressor, capacitor, & wires. It's not a good idea to run your air conditioner dirty. You'll then need a trusted ac repair houston contractor to clean your coils professionally.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.