Virtual Assistants (VAs) are Independent Contractors and do not go through the same employment procedures that a full-time employee would have to undergo; rather you just pay them for services rendered. Certain formalities are still necessary to engage a VA, such as; a contract has to be signed by both parties which lists in detail each party's responsibilities and expectations, also a reliable means of communication has to be established from the onset. Beyond these formalities, hiring a VA is much easier than hiring an employee.

VAs pay their own taxes and benefits

The primary advantage is that you don't need to pay taxes or create a benefits package for the Virtual Assistant. Since they are independent contractors, they are solely responsible for their own taxes and benefits. You don't have to worry about payrolls, pensions, or other benefits such as medical insurance etc. It's more cost effective than hiring a full time employee.

VAs are more dedicated and committed to their quality of work

Virtual Assistants derive their income by being very productive and delivering value to their clients. They provide administrative support which in turn frees up your time to focus on the activities that bring in the most income for your business. Virtual Assistants understand that their revenue is totally dependent on the positive execution of their tasks unlike full-time employees who get paid a salary sometimes times regardless of their effort.

VAs use their own office supplies and equipments

Most Virtual Assistants work from their homes thereby using their own office equipment, you don't have to pay for office supplies,. Virtual Assistants shoulder such expenses. They have personal equipments such as; computers, printers, faxes and so on to use to provide services to you hence you don't have to deal with buying or the maintenance of any such equipment.

If you are need to hire an efficient and effective English speaking Virtual Assistant now, go to

Author's Bio: 

Owen McGab Enaohwo provides business owners with English speaking Virtual Assistants at HYVA L.L.C. where helping them create effective and efficient systems for their Business Process Outsourcing needs is his specialty.