When calling back your prospects it is important to know what there personality color type is. You need to know the difference between a Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green personality types. Knowing this difference could make a real impact on how effectively that you can build your business. In this article I will give a description of the personality types and explain how you should interact with them while prospecting.

Yellows make up about 35% of the population. You will usually find them in professions such as nursing, teaching, and social work. They tend to consider others feeling before they consider their own. They are usually very kind and pleasant. They love to help people and do for others. They are usually team players. They are nurturing, patient, and supportive. They love their family so you should be able to build a rapport with them by talking about the kids, vacation and homemaking. When selling to a Yellow personality you need to emphasize how your product or service will help them. They don't like to be "sold". In other words they don't like pushy and aggressive sales people. They need to know that you will be there for them if they have questions even after the sale is done.

Greens make up about 35% of the population. Engineers, Accountants, and Computer Programmers are a few of the professions that you will find greens. They are really into facts and figures. They take their time when making a decision. They always want to make sure that they are right. They are very organized, accurate and persistent. They love to plan everything out. They tend to over-analyze everything by checking every link and crunching the numbers two and three time just because. When speaking with a green prospect make sure to never rush or push them. You need to make sure that you give them as much information as you can. They need to figure out everything for themselves and when they are ready they will call you.

Blues make up about 15% of the population. They are in professions such as Sales, Entertainment, and Public Speaking. They love to have fun and party. Unlike green, they hate facts and figures. They love to travel and go on adventures. They love meeting new people. They are very talkative. They are the most creative of all the personality types. They love to do many things and once and have a difficult time focusing. When speaking with a blue prospect, you should emphasize the fun, lifestyle, parties, and the fact that they will get to meet new people.

Reds make up about 15% of the population. You will find reds in leadership positions such as CEOs, air pilots, and attorneys. They are always looking at the bottom line and are motivated by money. They are usually very focused, direct and competitive. They like to be in charge and tell people what to do. They dislike indecision, losing control, and whiners. When speaking with a red prospect you must emphasize the opportunity to make lots of money. Let them know that they can be in charge of their own team, that they can be in charge and have lots of competition.

So you see, knowing the personality color types can be great for your online business. If you know how to speak to your prospects in a way that relates to their personality they you will be able to connect with them more easily. Thus you will be able to build a large and diverse organization.

Author's Bio: 

Tracey Mitchell is an Internet Marketing Consultant from Pompano Beach, FL. Learn more at http://www.traceyemitchell.com