Should you bother responding to that RFP? Of course! Discover 3 awesome ways to determine the best RFPs to answer. Use this fast and easy system…see if it doesn’t save you tons of time.

In business, we comb a wide range of sources to share our products, services and expertise. Some companies have a robust process in place for responding to Requests for Proposals. Others, well…the process is more helter skelter.

Depending on your business and offering, responding to RFP’s can range from ‘seemingly impossible’ to ‘no problem.’ As you aim to locate potential clients, it is natural to simultaneously get better and better at responding to requests.

Naturally, it is important to evaluate a few core questions.

First: Are you uniquely positioned to deliver the work requested? If so, responding is not only important, it is essential.

Second: Are you prepared to deal with a “yes!” answer? In other words, is your proposal something that you are able to deliver on? Are you ready with staff, expertise, knowledge, and infrastructure? If so, you know what to do. Respond.

Third: Are you prepared to deliver the best products and services for a given problem or initiative? Are you best in a unique aspect of what you offer? This may be attention to detail, boutique or bespoke customization, or global reach. Whether your company is tiny or massive, there are unique qualities that enable you to deliver a ‘best in class’ response.

Having evaluated these questions, one thing should rise to the top. It is a certainty and clarity. You are the best company for the job. It has your name written all over it. It is overwhelmingly obvious that this job is specifically suited for you, your team, and your offering.

A curious thing happens when this confidence appears. Instead of the RFP seeming like an insurmountable task with tons of unnecessary details and painful forms, it transforms. It becomes an opportunity to articulate exactly why you are the very best choice.

This sensation of confidence only happens when you are authentic and genuine. Ask people who have filled out the forms. Ask friends and colleagues how they felt when they got awarded a contract that ‘had their name’ all over it.

What will they tell you?

More often than not, they will maintain that they knew it all along. There was no internal resistance to the project or proposal. It was in complete alignment with their internal values, strengths and abilities.

So the next time you are looking at an RFP, and tempted to ignore it due to time, effort and resources, ask a different set of questions.

1. Does this sound like something we would be thrilled to do?
2. Does this fit our values, vision and mission?
3. Does this have our name written all over it?

When your answers to these questions are “You bet!” then you know what to do. Get to work responding. Fill in all the details. Present your analysis, design and information in a way that wins attention.

Many of the successful responses to RFP’s are successful because this intuitive certainty is backed up with solid evidence. Charts, diagrams, examples and maps show all the benefits of working with your firm.

When you evaluate each RFP for capabilities and fit, you will recognize the ones that you must respond to. With your clear proposal, compelling visuals, and imaginative contribution, you can expect that the right decisions will be made.

Interested in getting the presentation skills you need to win top results? That’s when you’ll feel the thrill. Imagine telling your friends: “Sure we got it. It had our name written all over it.”

Author's Bio: 

Milly Sonneman is a recognized expert in visual language. She is the co-director of Presentation Storyboarding, a leading presentation training firm, and author of the popular guides: Beyond Words and Rainmaker Stories available on Amazon. Milly helps business professionals give winning presentations, through Email Marketing skills trainings at Presentation Storyboarding. You can find out more about our courses or contact Milly through our website at: