I feel this is a time of sadness for some of you because you feel stuck in a relationship or marriage you feel is not going to change. You have to speak to the Universe about the partner you desire. Honest and conscientious. Devoted and friendly. Educated and determined. Be specific so that you can manifest exactly what you want. There are obstacles that you are still struggling with in regards to your past and it’s pulling you into old patterns. Following old ways of thinking or bad habits will not change the situation at hand.

Transformation is needed to see the changes you seek. You have to do the work to reinvent yourself. Take this time to heal and forgive yourself of any past mistakes. Let go of the old you and make way for new beginnings. This must be done now because it may be affecting your health and finances. Make the necessary alterations in your life. You are not cursed nor do you have bad luck, however you are responsible for your life and happiness.

Make positive, optimistic long-term plans that will reflect joy and pleasures. You know, that cozy feeling you feel around holidays! Surround yourself with love and people who are like minded, so they can celebrate change with you. This may not feel comfortable because you’re putting everything on the line. Feelings of anxiety may consume you. You may doubt yourself on the things you’re capable of doing or doubting decisions you’ve made causing uncertainty and hesitancy. Spirit wants you to know you’re on the right path. Don’t lose out on opportunities due to fear. Don’t second guess your goals.

You are to continue to move forward in your plans and continue your efforts until success is attained. Yes, it may take you stepping out of your comfort zone and yes, it will take sacrifice. It will take a lot of discipline to break free of old habits or addictions. Your life has to be structured and organized, so you know exactly what needs to be done and when you’re going to do it. Making these necessary changes will provide you with a very happy and stable family life as well as financial security.

Author's Bio: 

Healer and spiritualist