Joseph Riggio is The Official Guide to "Communication Skills and Training". You can find complete information on Joseph Riggio and his products by visiting
When leaders master the “art of coaching” they experience the “magic” of coaching. What is that magic, you ask? It's the phenomenon of being in the presence of the person at the moment of the discovery of his/her answers to questions that have for a longtime been elusive, discovery of his/her ... Views: 1666
‘You don’t have to play sport to be an Australian, but you do have to have a sense of humour” says author Pete Crofts in his book How to use Humour in Business and Life. As an Australian I know they have many “winning ways” and I believe this is strongly linked to their good humoured view of ... Views: 1754
The introduction of Twitter has made it easier than ever to reach other people on the internet for social networking or business list building. Used correctly, twitter is an amazingly good viral list building tool that can catapult your list from zero to thousands of followers in a very short ... Views: 694
In today?s world, there are communication tips everywhere - in newspapers, on
television and on the web. Why? That?s easy, because communication goes to the
very core of our existence. We need other people to survive. In our personal lives, we
need friends, spouses or significant others to ... Views: 947
The Impact of Conflict Management Training on Customer Service Delivery. This was the title of my case study in partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree which I completed in 1996. More on this in a moment. Here it is 13 years later and…
In a recent survey training participants were asked ... Views: 1999
Imagine facing a room full of skittish investors and analysts to present your company’s management plan for the next quarter. Talk about high stakes!
That was exactly the scenario recently faced by a client’s company. While they brought me in to rehearse with them the day before, in this ... Views: 1571
How to be a Fantastic Leader
Karen Cortell Reisman, MS
The other day my friend Robin talked to me about becoming president of a large nonprofit organization. She felt excited and challenged by this opportunity. As we discussed her leadership strengths, I realized that the qualities ... Views: 907
Pet Peeves About the Way You Communicate
Karen Cortell Reisman, M.S.
The Wall Street Journal dedicated an entire front page of its Journal Report to the issue of pet peeves. The subtitle, adjacent to a pictured unhappy woman ripping her phone in half, asks “Why do cellphone customers have to ... Views: 3127
How to NOT Oversell
Karen Cortell Reisman, M.S.
In the movie, Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise reaches an epiphany which he has to share with Renee’ Zellweger. After his LONG spiel, Renee’ interrupts him saying, “Shut up. Just shut up.....You had me at hello. You had me at hello.”
Do you know ... Views: 2592
Everyone wants to have a voice, and have their opinions heard and acknowledged. This can be difficult, due to the fact that everyone wants to have their opinions heard, and a lot of the time, no one wants to listen! We may find ourselves in a situation with a group of outspoken people and our ... Views: 1153
Meeting someone for the first time can be very unnerving, whether it is a business client, a date, or someone who approaches you in at a social function. Trying to maintain an interesting conversation, remaining composed, and finding common interests can be extremely difficult, and even those ... Views: 10368
Our discussion here will highlight developing your presentation and meeting skills. These two areas offer you a chance to demonstrate your leadership competence, organizational and project management abilities, and facilitation mastery. As I said before, if these activities are not currently in ... Views: 1052
Passivity is out; speaking up is no longer an optional skill. Successful people are both vocal and visible. Even if you’ve managed to avoid communication challenges to date, you will most likely not be able to cower in the back room much longer. Whether you’re called upon to make a presentation ... Views: 1076
Many couples face a point in their relationship when the feelings of boredom and monotony begin to set in. The couple begins to feel like they’ve lost the spice and spontaneity that once came so easily. Now they have to work for that same excitement which tends to make things seem tedious and ... Views: 4436
It is Saturday morning and I just received a phone call on my business line from a man who was doing a survey. The person he wanted to speak to had to be male and had to be over 21. [Thankfully, I was able to respond politely that I did not ‘fit the bill’ and proceeded to quickly end the call. ... Views: 3546
When our communications are good, our relationships are strengthened. Once you improve your communications, you will find others to be more open to communications with you. To communicate effectively, you must be able to do two things: Listen and Sell.
When Listening…
Listen with a true ... Views: 714
The most difficult stressor for most of us is other people. We often blame other people for our feelings, thoughts and choices we feel forced to make. The truth is other people are not responsible for any of these things.
When you give others control over your feelings, thoughts and choices, ... Views: 2721
Two common phrases used to describe the impact a person has are “your words speak volumes” and “your silence is deafening”. However, the opposite is true as well. Silence speaks volumes. Inaction and the unspoken evoke results in the same ways as spoken words and actions. It is often more ... Views: 1591
Productivity and morale - so important these days.
But we get set in our ways. So when someone tries to change things (hence, us) in the name of greater productivity, we often dig in our heels, drag our heels, mope around and/or engage in catty water cooler conversations.
So a bit of ... Views: 1318
One of the things I have learned that is most interesting to me is the difference in how men and women process language, speak and listen differently.
While women process words, language instantly and think and process out-loud as they are rapidly talking (and maybe multi-tasking too), men ... Views: 1630
I got a very thoughtful comment from one of my readers in response to my Brainwashing vs. Influence article that warranted a full post in reply.
“Your article really hit a nerve, since my wife and i were talking about my parents recently. my dad retired 6 years ago, and my mom retired ... Views: 2310
In all my years training managers how to coach staff, common misconceptions always arise regarding what we actually mean by coaching in a business setting.
If you are planning to improve your coaching skills with your employees to help develop their potential, here’s what you need to know ... Views: 2367
I recently had coffee with a client who was looking for advice to improve the efficiency of her department.
There had been some upheavals, maternity leave, skills shortages and things had begun to fall off the rails. She felt she needed someone to step in and “just get the work done.” ... Views: 1263
Many of you will know that open questions are those that cannot be answered with a one word answer but I want to very quickly bring this to top of mind.
If you are having trouble getting staff to get involved, think for themselves and solve problems, check the questions you are ... Views: 1539
Recently I saw a very angry executive going head to head with a young direct report in one of those gold fish offices that leave little to the imagination.
Although their words were muffled there was little doubt who the boss was, who was in charge of the conversation and who would have the ... Views: 1226
The Personal Power of Influence means to be influential in identifying our goals and achieving them, being able to influence others to support us in our goals, and to become a force of influence in the world in which we live.
Where we most get hung up is in being able to influence others. Let ... Views: 938
While reading online from a computer screen, our senses for aroma, audio, texture, and flavor labor just as quickly as reading print on paper. Our sense of vision has less patience. Studies have found people scan the text while on the Internet. We don’t take the time to read, let alone reread, ... Views: 1392
New party protocols?
I’d venture to say that PDAs are more commonly carried than pens, or even combs, in the pockets and purses of most urbanites. Every week, I receive questions for BlackBerry etiquette or iPhone protocols and our May newsletter provided tweetiquette tips. Social ... Views: 1573
Let me get straight to the point. Here’s the deal. Your power station of energy lies within you – not your possessions. Say to yourself, ‘I have the power to change the direction of my Life now and avoid the biggest obstacle up ahead… Myself.’
As the greatest philosopher of our time Homer ... Views: 876
Who's got your back?
Do you have people in your life that you can count on to support you, no matter what?
Sometimes it all depends on how you interpret the word "support."
We all need people who will be there for us in our darkest hours. People who will drop everything to come hold ... Views: 737
"Don't be so sensitive!"
Has anyone ever said that to you? Hopefully not when you were rendered especially vulnerable by a condition like cancer. Hopefully, not at all.
Someone recently directed me to thicken my skin after I expressed feeling upset at a teasing, sarcastic remark. ... Views: 924
Have you ever been in a conversation that seems to be going nowhere, and neither person seems to be able to think of anything to say?
This happens a lot, especially when both people don’t really know each other. It can also happen when both people are lacking in conversational skills. ... Views: 1695
Fall is in the air and the school doors are about to open. For many this year offers some unique challenges. Many schools are facing budget cuts and some personnel cuts. These reductions place greater pressure on the people who remain. As demands increase but resources shrink, we face a ... Views: 1472
What are we afraid of? In the workshops I teach on managing sticky situations at work, people describe the troubling situations they face every day. During those sessions we share information about how to diplomatically approach each situation. Too often people let matters go too long. By ... Views: 1216
To better understand the Say It Just Right (SIJR) Model, you must know more about the people you are “saying it” to before you apply it to sticky situations. If we faced cardboard people everyday, who always acted the same way, we could apply the SIJR Model right away. Unfortunately (some may ... Views: 6060
Years ago I uncovered a definition of communication that I doubt would appear in Wikipedia. I like it because of its simplicity as well as its inherent complexity.
Communication is behavior that transmits meaning from one person to another person
This definition tells us that we cannot ... Views: 2265
The interview is over, and you wait patiently to hear back from the hiring manager. You were prepared, you have an impressive resume, and you answered all the questions with confidence. A week later you call back, and they have given the job to another candidate.
You are having drinks, ... Views: 2922
Do you have trouble defining your services? When you are at a networking event, do prospects just nod their head and walk away? If so, you may need help crafting a marketing message that is compelling and inspires your prospect to take action.
Crafting your marketing message is not ... Views: 1259
Trembling hands. Dry mouth. Weak legs. Your mind is racing and so is your heart.
Sound familiar? Welcome to the very popular “glossophobia” club, more commonly known as stage fright.
If you suffer from speaker’s anxiety, you’re in excellent company. Fear of speaking in public still ranks ... Views: 2089
While visiting a friend recently in Chapel Hill, NC, we attended a lecture on the University of North Carolina campus. When the speaker started presenting, I noticed that the audience — which ranged in age from 6 to well over 60 — was completely enthralled (including me!) from start to ... Views: 1322
When things get out of our control, danger lurks in the sidelines. Each of us has had situation occur where we seemed to have been tossed into the middle of a trial of which we had no control - a trial by fire.
In Proverbs 17:3 Solomon teaches "The crucible for silver and the furnace for ... Views: 1591
If we were to put all of the problems that we might encounter in a business, a friendship or a marriage into a pot and boil them down, what do you think might remain? The biggest factor in most failed businesses or friendships or marriages is 'unresolved conflicts.'
Marriages have been ruined ... Views: 2226
Anyone who has ever done work with me knows that it is important to chose your words carefully. Thanks to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto most people on the planet are aware of how words affect water and because our bodies consist of so much water, words also affect our bodies. In my experience, ... Views: 4444
We use two prepositions with the verb ‘communicate’ - ‘with’ and ‘to’.
‘With’ implies dialogue and involvement between communicator and recipient.
‘To’ implies the one way process of informing and has no place here.
The involvement of communicating with someone may have an outward or ... Views: 1119
Do your presentations S.U.C.K.? If they don’t then you are not being as successful as you could be!
“That is the most insane thing I have ever heard, please explain!”
No, No, I don’t mean that your presentations should literally suck!
S.U.C.K. is an incredibly simple to remember ... Views: 1273
Community building has a lot to do with being in harmony with the people in your environment and using that energy productively to make improvements to the overall lifestyle of everyone involved.
Anyone can be an integral part of a community building project so long as they are in harmony ... Views: 590
Conflict happens in relationships. And the tension it brings is opportunity knocking at the door.
We actually learn more by listening than we do by talking! When we are experiencing contrast or conflict with others, we are usually trying our best to persuade them to our point of view. ... Views: 2736
Do you suffer from a lack of conversation confidence? When you make conversation with other people, is your mind constantly saying a lot of very harsh things to you about your conversation ability? Does your mind criticize every thing you say? Do you put yourself down for being shy or ... Views: 1572
Have you been at the mercy of a bore or windbag? Did you want to change the subject and talk about something interesting? You can. And when your date or interviewer asks questions you don't want to answer, you can deftly change the subject and talk about something else. Media trainers have a ... Views: 3874
Did anyone ever say something to you that you found offensive? What did you do: walk away in a huff ... talk back to him or her ... "stand up" for yourself and then feel lousy later? Take the "high road" and feel crummy later? How about lying awake at night, rehearsing all of the better things ... Views: 1788