Joseph Riggio is The Official Guide to "Communication Skills and Training". You can find complete information on Joseph Riggio and his products by visiting
Before recording and posting a video, consider these seven presentation tips to ensure that your authenticity, expertise and passion shine through.
It takes courage to show up.
No less, showing up online where thousands of people can rewind, pause, and study if you’re the person they want to ... Views: 1255
Don’t let these common fears hold you back.
A line from Caroline Casey’s speech at the Green Festival intrigued me. She said, “Our security used to be in laying low. Now, our security lies in showing up.” As independent professionals, it’s more important than ever to take on the challenge and ... Views: 1156
A juicy connection with your audience will bring you more business. Go beyond the basic speaking skills and learn irresistible intimacy. Nothing of real significance happens without it.
Sure, there’s a time for a basic speech class. It’s where a lot of people go to get experience in a ... Views: 986
Bringing more of YOU into view is critical for the success of your business. Here's how.
A common problem for speakers is doing too much of the same thing. Predictability is the enemy of the presenter. Eyes glaze over; people stop listening.
Just as artists work with a full palette of colors, ... Views: 1016
15 minutes a day will improve your confidence and increase your sales conversion rate.
What do you think of when you think of acting? I used to think that acting was pretending, but after studying it I discovered that it’s more about making the most of your every single move. It’s about being ... Views: 1343
Be aware of these signs of communication cover-up. Transparency is the new secret to success.
You may be familiar with the Adam and Eve story. A blissful day in the garden goes bad and the great cover-up begins.
We've also found ways of covering up our truth by sending mixed messages, adding ... Views: 1027
The experts agree that having uncomfortable conversations is the best way to succeed in your business.
Timothy Ferriss, author of The Four Week Work Week talks about the importance of having uncomfortable conversations in this current economy and how it relates to small business ... Views: 3189
Speaking in front of a group is feared more than death, illness, or poverty. It is the number one fear for most people. Here are
some helpful tips to help you.
1. Listen to your internal dialog.
2. Visualize a positive out come.
3. It's not all your fault.
4. Do you believe in your ... Views: 1277
Maybe your clients DO care a little about you.
We’ve been told for decades that ‘your clients don’t care about you, but only what’s in it for them.’ As an entrepreneur, do you really believe that? Would you want to align yourself with people who don’t care about you at all? Not even one ... Views: 1300
This is why I sometimes have trouble with public speaking. Seeing so many faces in the audience can blow my mind. I can see each person’s personality. If I let it, it can disrupt my presentation. But I’ve learned to live with it.
Now I’d like to share with you, some tips you can use ... Views: 1115
Definition of Honest: truthful; trustworthy; genuine; open
Soooo, are you an honest person?
Your response is likely, “Yes.” However, if we look deeper in our lives, we may find our response is not totally true. And if we are really honest with ourselves, we may find that our lack of ... Views: 2262
Recently, we traveled to Southern Alberta to visit with Carol’s side of the family. Are they in-laws, out-laws, or maybe some of both? Regardless, I love them all.
As we approached our destination, we chatted about our expectations of how the landscape would look, based upon our memories. ... Views: 1321
Have you ever noticed that some people do what is expected while others seem compelled to bend all the rules? And this is true, not only for people, but for whole cultures as well. What does the following riddle tell you about Canadian culture?
Joke Alert!
How do you get 25 Canadians to ... Views: 1662
Effective leaders see more in other people than people see in themselves, and one of your objectives as a leader is to bring their talents to the surface.
Understanding the three fundamental elements that affect performance will build team loyalty and cohesiveness. These elements are ... Views: 3067
Wouldn't it be great if we were born with an inbuilt manual that shows us how to relate successfully to others? Although everyone has the capability to relate successfully to others, often people react in ways that are distorted by past experiences. The culprits are usually one or all of the ... Views: 2439
Try an experiment. Start a conversation on any topic with your spouse or best friend. After you’ve been talking together for a few minutes, interject with something along the lines of: “Hey, what are you talking about? You’re a real idiot!”
Next, hasten to explain to your partner that of ... Views: 1450
Apapted from the original provided by Keith Dugdale and David Lambert co-authors of ”Smarter Selling - Next generation sales strategies to meet your buyer’s needs - every time”.
The main focus for the ground-breaking book Smarter Selling is external customers. This focus emerged as a result of ... Views: 1262
There are times we find ourselves in the unpleasant situation of needing to refuse a request. We explain the reasons for why we can’t do it, and still the person making the request is angry and upset with us.
The least effective thing to do in such a situation is to get into an argument. Such ... Views: 1283
I want to tell you a little story. Not about anything dramatic. On the contrary, it's very ordinary.
So ordinary, in fact, that the many onlookers who must have been standing around didn't bat an eyelid when they overheard this brief conversation in a busy butcher shop. Hardly surprising that ... Views: 1422
Do you ever have a great idea you want to express at a meeting but find yourself posing it as a question? Example: “What do you think about doing x,y,z…?” “Have any of you thought of doing x,y,z…?” This can seem like a good way of putting forward an idea without seeming overbearing or pushy, ... Views: 1266
What does communication have to do with productivity and results? Everything, because results depend on our ability to clearly send and receive ideas, information and action.
The key? Listening.
The fastest way to get to the bottom of a work challenge or to dramatically move a project along ... Views: 736
Six months ago, an out-of-town client called to ask my input. She was in a meeting with the president of an association where she is chairing the annual gala as a volunteer. Also present were several of her committee members as well as an outside consultant hired by the organization.
She ... Views: 2729
Do you want to inspire people? Do you have a burning desire to share your life experiences and tell your stories so that other people can benefit? If so, there are a number of things to consider when writing an inspiring speech.
This last summer I was inspired by what I witnessed at the ... Views: 9698
I created my Emotional Eloquence program to encourage people to think of their presentations as opportunities to engage, influence and inspire, while simultaneously conveying important information. My research shows that speakers, leaders and audiences are hungry for a return to ... Views: 2577
As I was listening to an audio speech by Chris Weidner I became aware of a problem. Sometimes we feel that we've beat a subject to death. As leaders we feel we've stated the need, the change, the information to everyone and everywhere. Because we've stated the intention over and over again we ... Views: 904
The Grand Canyon.
The Northern Lights.
The Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
The miracle of birth.
Any miracle, really.
These are things that are “awesome.” That is to say, they inspire awe.
“Awe,” according to my little American Heritage Dictionary that I’ve had since ... Views: 3556
Kodi put his legs up and switched on the television. Checking out of his life by jumping into a hilarious reality show was just what the doctor ordered. Two minutes later Ciana sat by him and asked how he fared in his Engineering seminar.
“ It was fine.” Kodi replied to shut it down.
“ Did ... Views: 2586
“It’s not what happens to you that will determine how far you will go in life; it’s how you handle what happens to you”.
-Zig Ziglar
A positive attitude helps you cope easily with the daily affairs in your life. A positive attitude brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid ... Views: 2283
In any meeting the keynote address forms the most important part of the agenda. The keynote can definitely add to the overall effect of a meeting. The address should be interesting, entertaining and should cover all the important points that are going to be a part of the whole meting. If it is ... Views: 1363
Transformational change can be difficult even without having to worry about others being impacted. But when your loved ones are baffled or resistant, that adds a new dimension to the challenge.
However, there are ways to communicate your needs and to hear the needs of others as you work through ... Views: 1974
Relationships, which are the spice of life, often create feelings of inadequacy and pain which interfere with the sense of well-being that we all strive for. When faced with interpersonal conflict, we tend to either blame ourselves or the other.
There is a third way. Accept the reality ... Views: 2068
Our communication with others usually starts with our thoughts, resulting in words, tonality and body language. There are many ways to define "thoughts", and one of them is how we use our senses internally.
We use our senses outwardly to perceive the world, and inwardly to represent ... Views: 2672
Body language is a reflection of a person’s non-verbal communication. It includes movements or expressions that are so subtle the person may not even be aware of it themselves. Albert Mehrabian conducted a research in 1971 and concluded that there are three elements in any face to face ... Views: 3006
I think the common mistake I see all over the country is managers and supervisors not taking actions they knew were right quickly enough. They wait and hope changes occur. They hope someone changes their attitude, hope someone comes to work more timely, hope they become a better team player. ... Views: 950
Horses teach humans a lot about the pace of life. Life seems to be moving at the speed of light. I try to bring a grounded presence into every aspect of my daily life. However a fast paced world can often pull me out of my authentic self. Our culture is based on high-speed everything. Speed is ... Views: 1134
Questions are a critical piece of any conversation and there is an easy way to use them to build better conversations and depth while communicating. That method is simply by using more open ended questions.
Open Ended Versus Closed Ended
There are two types of questions that are important to ... Views: 5529
One thing we don’t think much about is the power of our words beyond the external, commonly defined meaning of the words. But, as you may know from your own explorations into sound, words also have an internal vibration from which they derive the core, or essence, of their meaning. This ... Views: 1631
One of the most common problems I have seen with the couples that I have worked with is their tendency to assume that they know what their partner is thinking and feeling, the assumption that they know their partner’s motivation.
I have not worked with a couple yet who has struggled with this ... Views: 1251
Starting a conversation is difficult for most people. I often get asked by clients how they can start conversations. What advice do I give them? Here's some key pointers to get your next conversation smoothly underway:
1) Smile. I know it's simple, but Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends and ... Views: 1165
Not enough time, boss pushing for work to be completed, children are loud, bills to pay, shopping to be done, housework to do, partner asking for your help... and to top it all off you're suppose to be nice to people by communicating effectively with them? Yikes!
If you're like me, you find it ... Views: 2985
It’s not easy to admit when you said or did something that didn’t work out the way you hoped. What do you do with your feelings of remorse or disappointment? How do you feel when you make a mistake or when others make mistakes? Your beliefs about mistakes can tell a lot about what you believe ... Views: 2506
During all our research one constant shone through, that is that marketing is conversations.
Current conventional mass media are weak conductors of knowledge and comprehension. This is because of a number of factors, however the main reason is; they are non-interactive communications ... Views: 2263
However, before we do, let us review something recently written and published in Marketing Magazine, the author is Marc Ritson, Assistant Professor of Marketing at The London Business School.
"A pipe bursts in your house. When the local handyman arrives, he is carrying a large ... Views: 2373
The Attraction of Interactive Communication is that it is a return to the prehistoric human fascination with telling tales!
Since the beginnings of any civilized society the market place was the hub of civilization, a place to which traders returned from remote lands with exotic spices, silks, ... Views: 1975
We all have the ability to communicate, even if we don't speak. Even those who are considered deaf, mute and have no ability to move, communicate with us. I have worked with people who could only move their eyebrows or eyes and make sounds. Not only was I able to communicate with them but ... Views: 922
“Geekification:” The chances are you’ve never heard that word. It isn’t in any dictionary, but I guarantee you have experienced it. You’re listening to someone speak or you’re listening to an interview and you realize that, while they’re speaking English, you don’t understand what they’re ... Views: 1054
Given his reputation within the party, it wasn’t surprising to see Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal selected to give his party’s response to President Obama’s first appearance before a joint session of Congress. What was surprising was Jindal’s delivery which came across as totally disconnected ... Views: 985
If you are a dog owner, odds are you have seen the infamous movie Look Who's Talking with John Travolta and other famed actors. The odds get even better when you consider how many dog owners attempt to talk to their dogs on a daily basis. Unfortunately, unlike the movie, our dogs do not talk ... Views: 1273
As a speaker - and that includes anyone who relies on their voice as a medium in whatever they do – your voice is the first point of contact between you and the people with whom you are communicating - your clients, your students, your customers, your employees, or your audience.
Your Voice is ... Views: 1714
Do you find the way some people do things to be very illogical with no orderly process in place?
Do you find you are totally frustrated when people lack focus and never finish their projects or they are always late?
Are you at a loss to understand why people do not just quit procrastinating, ... Views: 2783