We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Healthy Eating". If you have expertise in Healthy Eating and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Eat less sugar, you are already sweet enough! Being an Indian sweet is what we all fell in love with every day. But are we going on right path by consuming this sweet thing called sugar, which is unfortunately not sweet for our body. Per some study daily intake of sugar should is on an average ... Views: 729
Modern life is extremely demanding, highly stressful due to not only personal commitments, but long-work hours, busy schedules, and unhealthy diets. All of these factors combined are the perfect cocktail for fatigue to settle. Mental exertion caused by stress, anxiety and daily life, in general, ... Views: 1698
1) Change your daily routine habits like Drink more water, drink 15 glass of water in a day, In which you should drink 10 glass of water before 7:00 PM, and take less water on in night
2) Whenever you wake up take normal 1 glass of water. After be fresh, take 1 glass of Lukewarm water with ... Views: 790
There are several foods that you need to avoid to prevent gynecomastia. The first food is strawberries. This is because of the high amount of pesticides that are inside of the strawberries. The pesticides are known for producing a lot of estrogen in males. Some of the other foods that might ... Views: 1183
Popular belief is watermelon is just water and sugar, but actually, watermelon is nutrient dense food. Originated from northeast Africa, watermelon is a fantastic dessert in summer. Having a slice of watermelon with the meal is like dessert, but people are unaware of the nutritional facts of ... Views: 589
The top capsule coffee makers or Nespresso machine or capsules
The automatic capsule coffee machines were born in the mid-eighties, although it was not until 2006 when they experienced its commercial explosion. The brand that led this change in the habits of coffee lovers was Nespresso. The ... Views: 1013
This problem arises due to hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment. The substances that are responsible for the occurrence of this particular problem are known as allergens. These allergens mostly include pollen or a certain type of food that is not suitable to ... Views: 1149
Vegan food lover will enjoy those recipes. You can enjoy those simple vegan recipes for lunch or dinner. You will love this Fujita skewers as well as the chocolate cupcake. Any vegan person can merely love those recipes and another non-vegan person.
Fujita skewers with chimichurri ... Views: 1174
Right cooking is the most important thing you need for your daily cooking. People always make mistakes choosing the cooking oil. This is because people do not have enough knowledge about the right types of cooking oil. There are a lot of oil brands on the market, but it is important to select ... Views: 740
Are you not sure which cooking oil to buy? Well, there are a lot of brands, but no every cooking oil is good and healthy. A lot is depended upon the cooking oil you use to cook. When you say cooking oil people always relate to fats. Fats have a bad reputation and are considered as unhealthy. ... Views: 688
Cooking oil you use is the most important ingredient and a lot of things are depended on it. You use cooking oil almost for all types of cooking. This makes it extremely important that you invest in the right cooking oil. Around 80 percent of the heat problems are due to the cooking oil. There ... Views: 638
When a woman becomes pregnant, there is a lot of changes that she needs to make. She may need to change her eating habits and lifestyle in order to ensure the health of her and the baby she is carrying. One way her doctor can help her with this is by prescribing special prenatal vitamins that ... Views: 940
Nowadays, most of the people like to eat on the dining table, but it is not completely beneficial for the health. Eating on the ground has been the tradition from old times, we get many benefits. According to the medical officer Roshan Lal Mod, there can be many diseases from eating on the ... Views: 964
These desserts are so good you won’t believe they are vegan. You’ll have your sweet tooth satisfied whether you are a vegan or not with these delicious treats. Check out these spots that are perfect for a date night or catching up with friends. Mobile Styles takes a look at some of our favorite ... Views: 887
Health is not cheap in this country, which is one reason many are changing their diets to lead a healthier life. You can do this, too, but you have to find out how to change your diet. The following are four dietary tips to help you eat healthier.
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One important step to take is ... Views: 712
There are many daily routine treatments that will make you healthy in Compound Science. We will discuss below
1 Drink Water Through Copper utensils
Nowadays, the medical science is doing interest on the Bacterial-killer properties of the copper. There were many experiments in last many ... Views: 829
Am I the only one at a complete loss by the bodybuilders that swear by Chipotle meals every day? Personally, every time we go to Chipotle, I have to prepare myself for gaining at least two pounds, having a food hangover, and feeling instant regret. Plus, all that sodium. Woof.
I lived next ... Views: 998
For those who are looking for health and wellness, a proper diet can make things simpler for such folks. If you have been struggling with weight-gain, cholesterol, heart disease and other ailments, a balanced diet can prevent any unforeseeable situation. It will be tough to put your family and ... Views: 1025
If you are a heavy drinker and it is getting out of control every day, it is time to seek help. You may have a health condition known as AUD or Alcohol Use Disorder. It can adversely affect the brain. Therefore, it is best to go to a health professional rather than curbing the habit on your own. ... Views: 1054
It’s a new dawn in the United States as medical marijuana has become legalized for various uses. The green revolution has begun and everyone is rushing to cash in on the opportunity and wealth the industry has got to offer. People from all industries and interests such as entrepreneurs, ... Views: 1141
Beet root powder is the powdery form of the beet root vegetable. It is natural red food color that adds strong natural beet flavor to your kitchen. Below is a comprehensive guide on this powder detailing its uses, nutrients, benefits, and side effects.
Which nutrients does beet root powder ... Views: 1283
Black seed oil will witness significant consumption in various food and dermal care products attributed to its health benefiting properties.
Individuals are becoming more conscious about their health and prefer spending on nutritious and protein-rich food products. While there are various ... Views: 1035
Most people wouldn’t play Russian Roulette--loading a bullet into a chamber of a revolver, spinning the cylinder, and then pulling the trigger while pointing the gun at one's own head--but millions do it with their health by drinking coffee that can cause a dozen health problems like bullets and ... Views: 1185
How many times have you begun a program to lose weight and become healthier only to stop and lose the progress that you made? I think we all have done this and when trying to return to the program it gets harder and harder the longer you stay away. I know this because this has been a hard place ... Views: 985
Millions of men out there are taking their vitamins. Whether it's multivitamins or whether it's some sort of a supplement for their prostate health, whether it works or not, what we know is that eating natural fruits and vegetables which are full of antioxidants are a great thing for ... Views: 1042
Snoring: An Overview
Snoring is a common sleep-related disorder. It can disrupt the sleep of the snorer as well as his/her partner or other family members. Snoring is an annoying nasal sound which is caused by the vibration of tissues inside the airways of the nose and throat. The tissues ... Views: 823
You’ve probably heard the phrase “go with your gut” or “gut reaction.” You’ve probably made decisions based on this “gut feeling.” And you’ve probably experienced the sensation of knots or butterflies in your stomach.
Your gut really ... Views: 1344
When it comes to establishing and maintaining a healthy diet, it would be ideal if everyone could follow the same diet. After all, everything from maintaining a healthy weight to preventing disease and more are affected by the foods that you eat. Unfortunately, there is not a catch-all meal plan ... Views: 1545
What’s not to love about Espresso, it provides a proper wake-call with a quick caffeine supply in the morning and keeps your energy levels high throughout the day.
Ok, so the amazing flavor of espresso wins our hearts because of the taste but there has to be a lot more to it, right? Well, ... Views: 737
Ah, Instant Noodles. They're the drug of choice for many college students, debt-ridden individuals, and the everyday New Yorker trying to make rent. While they're renowned for being cost-effective, they certainly lack in the nutritional value department.
From The Washington Post:
Although ... Views: 932
Coffee is one of the most important inventions that humankind has come across. It helps one to relax and get invigorated. It gives birth to a relaxing period that is enjoyed by one and all. The history of coffee dates back to the thirteen century in the land of Ethiopia. In a little while, the ... Views: 650
Not many are aware, but it’s actually true that Thai cuisines (most of them) are virtual treasure troves of health benefits. Several Thai dishes are actually under scientific scrutiny for the supposed health benefits offered by them. At the very basis of such claims are of course the ... Views: 1383
When my girlfriends and I turned 25, we thought it was the end of the line weight-wise. According to our smartest friend, there was just no beating a metabolism that was slowing down. To figure out this is a myth, you have to look no further than Kate Hudson's abs.
I'm 28 years old and I'm ... Views: 829
Your food decides your health — how you feel today, tomorrow, and later on.
Good sports nutrition supplement is an essential piece of driving a sound way of life. Joined with physical activity, diet can help you to reach and keep up a healthy weight, decrease chance of critical illness and ... Views: 851
With life experiences, we notice that change is a constant factor and there are different ways to move through the cycles of impermanence. Yet we are also aware that some behavioral patterns are very difficult to change.
How many times have you wished for making a change in your diet, in your ... Views: 1022
Organic foods are those which are reared without the regular use of antibiotics and without the application of growth hormones. While producing organic food from crops, farmers normally apply human waste, biotic fertilizers and sewage sludge instead of synthetic fertilizers.
Organic ... Views: 687
Vinegar is a natural product that is used all over the world, both in cooking and for therapeutic purposes. In recent decades, vinegar has become even more popular, because it has been scientifically proven that it can provide many benefits to the body. This product is rich in vitamins, ... Views: 1178
Being sick isn’t a lot of fun, and this is especially true for those who find themselves getting sick all the time. The immune system is supposed to fight off germs and infections, but sometimes it simply doesn’t do its job properly and you end up getting a cold or some other illness. However, ... Views: 1004
First, you noticed a pesky dark spot on your cheek — probably due to the successive epic summers you’ve been spending on the beach since as far as you can remember. Dismissed. Second, you notice a fine line on one corner of your mouth. You think, “Yeah, I’m probably aging.” Now, you see an ... Views: 1409
There is no easy way to go about losing a significant amount of weight. Yet the 21st generation lifestyle has made it almost impossible for many of us to keep a healthy weight. There are many things that can motivate you to check in to a weight loss center; you want to shed of baby fat, you are ... Views: 678
Health is an important aspect, and once it is damaged, it sometimes becomes difficult to reverse it back. Balanced diet is a crucial part of healthy living. With so many chemicals and pollutants being used for farming and cultivation, eating veggies and healthy food can also be sometimes ... Views: 934
Carbohydrates, at least in America, have been getting a bad reputation. Blamed for a national epidemic of expanding waistlines, this macronutrient is under fire. And for those who can resist the bread aisle, low-carb diets remain an incredibly popular means by which to lose weight and sustain ... Views: 1138
Different Ways In Which Organic Sprouts Can Make Your Food Richer In Nutrients
Organic sprouts are packed with countless nutrients that benefit the human body. There are various types of sprouts available in the market; after all, every plant-based food begins from sprouts. The daily ... Views: 661
The average person consumes between 250 to 350 kilos of refined sugar per year. That’s about 1 to 2 kilos per day! There is 1 million kilograms to a milligram.
The recommended quantity being 5 milligrams per day. It is easy to see the dilemma.
You may not be able to eliminate every little ... Views: 1376
Asthma, the inflammatory chronic respiratory disorder is a common ailment, which is characterized by difficulty in breathing and complications with respect to lungs and other respiratory organs of the body. The airways to and from the lungs are affected to a huge extent. The trouble gets further ... Views: 1443
As an American chain of fast foods, one can find the chipotle Mexican grill which is involved in casual foods in over 1,000 locations throughout the United States. The chain was begun by one Steve Ells in the year 1993 in Colorado with the sole intention of excellent quality fast foods. Running ... Views: 716
Robert Kennedy Jr. says that waste from pig farms is kept in lagoons and farmers spray it on crops as fertilizer. Hogs make ten times the fecal waste as humans, so a plant with 10,000 hogs makes as much waste as a city of 100,000 people.
The CDC has become a front for the pharmaceutical ... Views: 1342
We all want to eat healthily and be fit but sadly our aspirations turn to dust and dream never come to fruition once we think of celebrity and model-style bodies. If you've always struggled with changing your eating habits, we've got you covered.
Take these three tips to heart and put those ... Views: 823